E L E V E N.

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[ Chapter Eleven—caught ]

[ Chapter Eleven—caught ]

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I stuck to the shadows, moving along swiftly. A desire to not be caught bubbled within as I continued to race through the streets. It was late... actually it was just very early morning, so early that the sun had not yet risen and would not rise for a few hours still.

I was scared for my family, based on what Alice and Edward were saying, it sounded like they were in deep shit. Hopefully, when I got back to Maine the others would know what to do.

The ground was made of cobblestone, something that was extremely strange to me as the ground in America was made mostly out of either concrete, asphalt, or plain dirt. At first, there were not many people around at all, but as I got closer to the bigger part of the city, more people started popping up.

It was late so the people awake were mostly night owls or drunks, but at least it was population. That meant I would be able to track down a cab soon and get to the airport.

"This would not make a bad TikTok..." I mumbled to myself as I ran, envisioning creating a video of myself running and saying a few amusing phrases such as "running for my life, let's go!" or even "racing away, duh duh, racing away!"

I almost reached into my pocket for my phone too, but soon decided that was possibly the worst idea in the history of ideas. And I have had some pretty bad ideas in the past.

I cannot even imagine what would happen if the Volturi somehow saw it, that right there would be the proof to my existence. Though, a great part of me wholeheartedly believed there was no way in hell the Volturi even knew what TikTok was let alone have any TikTok accounts.

What a sight that would be though. I mean, if the Volturi did have TikTok's what would they even be about? How many heads they ripped off in court that day.

I snickered at the thought, pausing at the edge of the building I was running by. I looked around, seeing another larger building with a deep shadow across the way, it was best I went there and ran in the shadows of that building.

Pushing off the wall of the building, I quickly started running toward the shadow of the other building. My backpack jangled loudly causing me to curse, but there was not really anything I could do about it.

It was rather quiet outside and I had things in the bag that I was not willing to part with.

As soon as I got within the protection of the other building, my ears were met with the sound of something running from miles away. It was light footsteps, far too light to be a human instantly causing me to believe it was a vampire. Barely a moment later, my strong sense of smell picked up on the general scent that only the walking dead creatures who called themselves vampires had.

ᴏᴋ ʙᴏᴏᴍᴇʀ ☾ 𝐂𝐚𝐢𝐮𝐬 𝐕𝐨𝐥𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐢Where stories live. Discover now