Chapter 6

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October 20th.

"You tattled on me?" Shane looks over at me while I try to pay attention in English class.

"I beg your pardon?" I whisper under my breath.

"I talked to Caleb." He rolls his eyes.

I run a frustrated hand through my hair.

"Look I didn't mean to tell Caleb anything-" "But you did. Look what I'm doing with Josie is none of your business."

"But it is," I turn, actually making eye contact. "You think you can just toy with my feelings then go after another girl-" "Who said I was interested in you like that in the first place?" He interrupts.

My eyes glaze over and I close them as the bell rings. "You did." I gather my books and walk out of that room as quickly as possible.

I don't get it. How can a person that can make you float on air one day, can shatter everything another day? I should've known. How could I be so stupid? There's so many things about him that resembles Stephan. Why didn't I run when I first noticed?

"Hey," Lily stops me in the hallway. "You alright?"

"Yeah, bad morning." I blink away my emotions and take a deep breath.

Lily's eyes wander off to the side to an angry Shane leaving this same room I just stormed out of.

"Don't let O'Connel get to you." She assures.

"It's not-" "Look, you don't have to lie to me. I'm on that train more than any other person in this building."

I give her a questioning look.

She looks up, hearing the warning bell.

"I'll tell you at lunch! Wanna go out to Sally's?"

"What's Sally's?" "Cute dinner down the street! Wanna go?" "Sure." I nod.

"Cool. Meet me by the gym! Don't tell the girls. It'll be just us." Lovely.


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