You Are the Way My Heart Beats

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Just a little filler chapter for ya. I was listening to music all day and it inspired me for this chapter! Check out the Taking Back Sunday song mentioned!! It really is practically my favorite song of all time! It's incredible!!!

Let me know what you guys think :) Thanks for continuing to read and support this story! :D

Lyla's P.O.V:

The drive seemed to be dragging on longer than it should. I hadn't been home to San Diego in so long; I hadn't even gone back for a visit since I left. There wasn't anything there for me anymore, so I never saw it necessary to go back to a town that held all of my good memories and all of my bad ones. Vic could tell I was nervous. I was hardly talking, which was unlike me, especially on a long car ride. He would occasionally shoot worried glances in my direction, and his hand never left mine, our fingers still interlaced with each other, his soft hand squeezing mine every now and then. After a while the silence was too overwhelming so I grabbed Vic's iPod that he had set in the cup holder and plugged it in, scrolling through the thousands of artists that occupied his music library. A certain artist's name caught my eye. "No way," I mumbled under my breath as I touched the screen, bringing the artists' music up. Vic looked over at me questioningly and I smiled. "No fucking way. MikeyWhiskeyHands?" I questioned and Vic laughed. "He did not!!! Oh my God!!!" Vic and I laughed, remembering back to high school when Mike began his love affair with whiskey and nicknamed himself that. "Is this really what I think it is?" I questioned.

"Listen for yourself, babe," he said through laughter. I was excited to listen to what this was; Mike had always told me "It'd be a perfect name for a rapper! One day I'm gonna make it big. MikeyWhiskeyHands.......look out for that shit!" I had just laughed it off and continually made fun of him for it. One night, right after Mike and I had graduated high school, Mike, Vic, and I were hanging out, smoking weed and drinking whiskey as we often did on Friday nights, we all wrote a rap together. It was the stupiest thing in the world, the lyrics all about getting high and drinking and sex; it was ridiculous and catchy as hell.  I could not believe that he had done it! I hit play and turned the radio up, the sound of a piano filled the car and Vic was smiling at me as I listened in anticipation. Pretty soon I heard it, Mike's voice came through the speakers and the familar lyrics that we had written that night in the Fuentes' basement poured out. I laughed uncontrollably, tears falling down my cheeks as I listened to the song, the lyrics coming back to me immediately as memories of that night flooded my mind. The chorus started and I belted them out loudly, remembering my main lyrical contribution to the song.

"Live your life, put your trees in the air. While we smokin' everyday if you think you compare so scream eh oh, oh oh. Getting faded takin' flights all around, I'mma drink, I'mma smoke, I'm getting paid everytime you scream eh oh, oh oh!!!" Vic laughed heartily at me, the tears still falling from my eyes as I laughed harder than I had in a long time.

"I can't believe you remember those lyrics!" Vic said, glancing over at me again.

"Are you kidding me? That was like the greatest night ever!!! I just can't believe he actually did something with them! I never would've thought in a million years." Vic smiled widely at me, making my heart beat faster like it always did when he smiled. "I can't believe any of us remember those lyrics. We were so fucked up that night!" I started laughing again as more and more memories came flooding back, all good memories. "That wasn't you singing, though. Who was it?" Vic smirked at me and chuckled a little bit.

"Jaime." His response threw me into another fit of laughter. The song ended and our laughter died down, the tension in the car practically gone; I was feeling much more at ease than I had been when we started to the drive. I was actually looking forward to getting there so I could see Mike and make fun of him for this! I scrolled through the iPod again, knowing nothing would top that last song though. I stumbled across a song that was a close second. I paused it and dug through my purse, pulling out a cigarette and lighting it, rolling down the window and allowing the warm air to fill the small car. I took a puff off of it before starting the song.

What's So Good About Picking Up the Pieces? (Vic Fuentes FanFiction)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum