For What It's Worth, I've Wanted You So Long

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Picture of "Lyla" over to the side!

Hope you guys enjoy this new chapter! Will update again soon! :)

Lyla's P.O.V:

It had been a week since that night with Vic; one long, crazy, busy, hectic, tiring week. I had been working my ass off taking, editing, and developing pictures of the band trying to get some of them ready to be published.

Unfortunately, Vic and I hadn't been able to spend much time together. Vic was busy pretty much 24/7 anymore; between signings, interviews, and shows he hardly had any free time. It sucked but we were figuring out ways to make it work.

We decided to take things slow......really slow. That was more my decision, but thankfully he went along with it. I know we had already slept together that one night, and we had all that history, but I was determined not to mess this up. I was treating it like it was something brand new, and in a way it was. With the amount of time that had passed we had a lot of catching up to do, a lot of things to learn about each other, but I was loving every minute of it.

I heard a loud banging on the door of the bus, waking me from my sleep, and I groaned loudly. I laid there for a while hoping whoever it was would go away, but no; the knocking continued, getting louder and louder. I got up and stomped towards the door still in my pajamas-a pair of black, spandex shorts and a sports bra. I didn't even care at this point; I was prepared to yell at whoever it was and make them leave so I could go back to sleep. I finally had a day off to relax, and I couldn't even do that. I forced the door open to see Vic standing outside eating a donut.

"Woah. Nice hair," he said, his mouth full. I flipped him off and left the door open as I walked to the couch and grabbed a blanket, wrapping it around me before collapsing face down on the couch. I heard Vic enter the bus and shut the door behind him. Moments later I felt him sit down on top of my back, kicking his feet against the bottom of the couch.

"What?" I grumbled and I felt him pat the back of my head.

"Get up!" He said a little louder than I would've liked.

"Nooooooo," I groaned, my face still pressed into the leather couch.

"Please?" He said, his mouth full of pastry once again.

"Nooooo," I groaned once again. "I'm tired."

"It's 12:30, Lyla," he stated as if he thought that would change my mind. It wouldn't. I didn't respond to him, I just laid there until he started bouncing up and down on my back like a little kid.

"Ugggh, Vic. I'm tired," I whined and I heard him laugh a little. "This is not funny," I responded to his laughter, only causing him to laugh even harder.

"It's kinda funny," he replied and I felt myself smile a little.

"Fine. I'll get up if you get off of me," I said and he obliged, jumping off of me onto the floor and walking over to the sink in the kitchen area to wash the frosting off of his hands. I took the opportunity to jump up and run off to the bathroom, shutting myself inside.

"Ruuuudddee!" Vic drug out the word in a girly voice and I giggled. "What are you doing in there, my love?" he asked as he scratched at the door.

"I'm fixing this hair!" I responded as I looked in the mirror and gasped at the monstrosity before me.

"Don't. It's cute," Vic said as he continued to scratch and knock at the door.

"Liar." I smiled to myself as I put my hair up in a ponytail and brushed my teeth. I could no longer hear Vic at the door so I opened it and walked over to my suitcase to find some clothes. I grabbed a shirt and a pair of shorts and turned to walk back to the bathroom but a pair of arms reached out and pulled into my bunk. I shrieked a little as I fell down on top of Vic and he wrapped his arms around me not letting me up. "What're you doing? I need to get dressed if you're going to make me get up," I said shaking my head as I looked down at him.

What's So Good About Picking Up the Pieces? (Vic Fuentes FanFiction)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora