Ch. 16

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Alec's POV

"I don't know..." he said warily.

After a few minutes, he added, "I know they're fine with it but I'm still nervous. What if they changed their minds?"

I ran my fingers through his hair to calm him, "It'll be okay. No matter what happens we'll still be together."

He looked at me and nodded, "But I don't wanna get up yet."

I laughed a little, "Okay. We'll tell them at dinner then."

He just nodded again.

Jace and I have been together for a few weeks now and it's going amazing. Everyone at school is accepting and we're around each other pretty much twenty-four-seven which is almost like heaven on Earth. I mean I get to be with my adorable boyfriend all day every day. Who wouldn't want that?

Anyway. Right now we're laying in bed cuddling and I brought up the topic about finally telling our parents. I don't think it'll be that big of a deal, they'll give us some rules to go by but they won't go crazy. I think Jace is just scared my dad will separate us, considering he doesn't know much about how my dad would really feel about all the. I don't know either but I doubt he'd separate us. We'll see at dinner time.

Maybe two hours later, Jenny called us down for dinner.

We sat up in my bed, Jace has his room back now but we still snuggle a lot, "So how do you want to do it?"

He shrugged, looking nervous, "However you want to. Just... not too big."

I smiled and pecked his lips, "Okay. Well, let's go."

He nodded and we went downstairs. We sat at our normal spots across from each other and ate how we normally do but when I noticed everyone's plates were getting more empty, I took my chance.

I stood up and cleared my throat, "I would like to announce something."

The adults looked at me quizzically while Jazzy was smiling brightly at me, all of them waiting for the announcement. Jace looked really nervous but he smiled at me when we made eye contact. Telling me that he's okay. Here goes nothing.

I walked around the table and put my hands on Jace's shoulders, "We're dating."

My dad laughed, "No shit, Sherlock."

Jace and I kind of looked at him shocked which made Jenny laugh, "It's not hard to tell. You're always touchy-feely and when you were in the same room we saw you cuddling. Even now that Jace's room is fixed we still have seen you doing that."


My dad rolled his eyes but then looked at us with a caring expression, "Do whatever makes you happy but stay safe. Remember not everyone in this world can be as accepting as we are. Along with this being a gay relationship, you are stepbrothers. And some people won't like that. Just trust each other and be honest with each other and it'll all work out."

I smiled as I kind of back-hugged Jace while he was still sitting, "Thanks, dad."

Jace nodded as he put his hands over mine, "Yeah. Thank you both, so much."

They both smiled as my mom shook her head, "Just sit down and finish eating."

I nodded and went back to my spot. I couldn't stop looking up at Jace and smiling when we met eyes. I couldn't be any happier than I am at this moment.


Jace's POV

Alec's group of friends has started sitting with me and my friends so that Alec and I can sit together every day. His friends are really nice and they tease Alec a lot which I find really funny. Alec and I just sat back down from getting our lunch, everyone was at the table besides Dallas, because he's sick today when Jay cleared his throat and motioned his head behind us.

We were confused for a second before we heard an awful voice, "This is who you chose instead of me? Are you blind?"

Alec rolled his eyes as we turned around and looked at Kira, "No, that's why I chose him. You weren't even in the running."

She gasped and glared at him, "He's a guy! You're straight!"

Alec stood up and I lightly put my hand on the back of his thigh to keep him calm, "Yes he's a guy, does it look like I care? I love him, not you. Just leave it alone. Go chase after someone else."

Her glare slowly turned into a smirk, "I know something that no one else does though."

Alec scoffed, "Yeah, and what's that?"

She leaned closer to him so I stood up, ready to bitch slap her if she does something to him, but she just whispered, "You're brothers."

I gasped. How would she know that?

Alec looked shocked for a moment too but then his facial expression went stern, "So?"

I mentally facepalmed. This is not the way to handle this.

Her smirk just widened as she took a few steps back and shouted, "Hey everyone! Your perfect couple, Alec and Jace have a dirty little secret! They're brothers!"

There were a lot of gasps around the room and I felt like crying because of the misunderstanding but then Alec grabbed my hand and shouted at Kira and the rest of the room, "Stepbrothers. My dad and his mom married a few months ago. We aren't blood-related and are doing nothing illegal or morally wrong unless you're a homophobic asshole. It's our business, not yours, so shut the hell up."

That seemed to do the trick. Kira scoffed as she walked off, clearly unsatisfied with the 'damage' she did. Everyone else kept looking at us for a little bit but then looked away. Finally, we turned around and sat back down. I let my head fall to the table with a huff.

Alec laughed lightly and rubbed my back, "It's okay, Jace."

"Yeah no one cares, I bet some people here have actually fucked their blood-related sibling."

I laughed a little at that comment and lifted my head, "Thanks, Jay," then I looked at Alec and smiled, "I'm okay."

He smiled back at me and ruffled my hair, "Good."

I rolled my eyes at him. He loves messing up my hair. After a second, though, I rested my head on his shoulder and clung to his arm. 

God, I love this man.

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