Bonus Chapter

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--Random smut bonus chapter because I felt like it lol - don't read if you don't like smut

Jace's POV

I knocked lightly on the door before I walked in.

 We're past knocking, really, I just do it to warn him I'm coming in if he's changing or something. He never knocks when he comes into my room anymore, though he is still shocked when he walks in and I'm buck-naked. It's pretty funny but he likes the view so of course, he's not going to start knocking because of that.

I walked in and smiled at Alec who was sitting on his bed.

I was about to throw myself on his bed when suddenly my arm was being grabbed and I was pulled onto the bed. I landed on my back and Alec was hovering over me, pinning my hands to each side of my head on the bed.

I laughed a little, "Hello to you too. What are you doing?"

He responded by kissing me deeply.

Right away his tongue was in my mouth and we were fighting for dominance. Shortly after Alec won and he was able to ravish my mouth without me "fighting" back anymore, his kisses trailed from my lips to my cheek then to my neck. I closed my eyes and smiled lightly at the attention. I really wanted to pull him closer but he still had my hands trapped.

I didn't notice until I felt the warmth of his palm, Alec lifted my shirt with his left hand and started feeling me under my shirt.

I used my free hand to push him away lightly, "C'mon, Alec..."

He looked at me hungrily, "I need you, Jace. Right now."

I ran my hand through his hair, "I know but we can't, we're not home alone."

He lowered himself to his elbows so he was closer to me.

He gently pecked my lips and then rubbed his nose against mine, "I know but Jazzy isn't here tonight and our parents are sleeping. If we're quiet they won't hear."

I looked all over his face and I could tell he was needy, the look in his eyes showed me nothing but hunger, but how gentle he was being with me was his way of begging me.

I kissed him and tugged on his hair lightly.

"How about just blowjobs?"

He kissed me deeper, and mumbled against my lips, "Not enough."

I laughed lightly into our kiss and pulled away again, "You know I'm not quiet enough, Alec."

"C'mon... it'll be exciting. We could be caught at any second but it'll feel so good."

I rolled my eyes and nipped his lip, "You think I'm not horny too?"

He smirked, "That settles it."

Before I even knew what was happening, my shirt was ripped off and Alec was in the process of taking his off also.

I giggled as he slammed his lips back onto mine.

The more we kissed though, the more I realized how horny I was.

I pushed my hips up into Alec and he got the message because he moved slightly so he had one of his legs between mine and one of mine between his. He pushed his thigh against my hardening member while at the same time using my thigh to pleasure himself.

He wasn't going fast enough though.

When he was distracted, I quickly flipped us over so I was on top of him. He didn't argue because almost right away I was grinding against his thigh faster so we both felt more pleasure.

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