Chapter 33- Scars

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"I hate you."

I snorted at Stanton, turning back to the television and shoving another handful of popcorn into my mouth.

"I was almost arrested!" He complained, moving to stand next to the TV with his arms crossed over his chest.

"When are you not about to get arrested?" I pointed out. Conner sighed next to me, mumbling under his breath. 'Here we go again.'

I elbowed him in the ribcage to tell him that I had heard, before going back to snuggling into his chest. He grumbled to himself, but let it go as he wrapped an arm around my waist.

"I'm serious!" Stanton pressed.

I gasped dramatically, and his glare deepened. "This isn't funny! I had to run all the way home with the cops right on my tail! I only barely managed to lose them by hiding in a dumpster! Do you have any idea how gross it is, by yourself, inside of a garbage dumpster for two hours?"

"What are you talking about? You had Sandy with you." I gestured to where he was seated at the foot of the couch, fast asleep.

"He caught a ride home from his new lady friend's mom!" 

"So wait," I finally turned to him. "You let Sandy get in a car with a stranger you've never met?"

Stanton looked like a deer caught in headlights for a second. "No?"

"Oooh. Mom is so going to kill you." Sam's voice made us all turn around to see him walking through the front door, a wide smile on his face.

"Shut up." Stanton punched his brother in the arm, his face turning redder by the second.

"Well, at least I won't have to share a birthday with anyone else again." Sam shrugged, plopping down into the couch next to Conner.

"Not funny." Stanton huffed."Is nobody on my side with this?"

He turned to Conner for support, but Conner only shrugged. "Sorry man, I'm staying out of this one. I was just following your sister."

I snorted. "Following me? You drove the car!"

When Stanton glared at Conner, he held up his hands in defense. "Only because she told me to?"

I rolled my eyes. "Yeah right. You're the one who took his car keys."

"Conner!" Stanton held a hand to his heart. "Man, I really thought we had something together."

"You guys are ridiculous." Sam stated, reaching over a hand to grab for the bowl of popcorn in my lap. I slapped his hand away, glaring daggers at him as he cradled his hand to his chest.

"Oh right." He muttered. "Still PMSing."

I growled at him, and Conner chuckled from under me. "Okay, it's Selena's bed time."

Before I could protest, I was lifted into a strong pair of arms. Conner held me tightly to his chest, and I knew that resistance would be pointless.

"Night Sellbells!" Sam called after us, followed by a loud complaint from Stanton. "This conversation isn't over!"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. Remember to put Sandy to bed!" I called back from upstairs, followed by a chorus of groans.

Conner chuckled again as he closed my bedroom door behind us. He set me on the bed, and I sat watching happily as he stripped down to his boxers. 

My breath caught in my throat as he approached me, and my eyes couldn't help but wander over him. 

"Enjoy the show? Careful, next time I'm gonna charge you." He teased, and I rolled my eyes. 

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