Chapter 5- Cover Story

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I was honestly dreading going back to school on Monday.

So much, in fact, that I had created this list and taped it on the front of the refrigerator for my parents to read.

Top 10 List Of Reasons Why I Do Not Want To Attend School Today:

1.) It's boring

2.) It requires me to wake up before noon

3.) They won't let me wear my pj's to school

4.) Almost the entire student body drools over my best friend

5.) Possible black mail opportunities are set against me (I didn't specify, of course.)

6.) I don't want to

7.) If you were good parents, you would support my decision to not attend school

8.) I could learn just as much from surfing the Internet and watching TV

9.) If I go to school, then they'll assign me homework

And 10.) I don't want to

Childish, I know. But they gave me no other option.

Unfortunately, my notice was vetoed, via garbage can.

I glared at the back of her head as my mom walked out of the kitchen, unaffected by my revolutionary logic. I marched back over to the trashcan, carefully picking out my crumpled up list and straightening it out again.

I didn't notice Conner walk up behind me until his arms were wrapped around my waist.

He looked over my shoulder at my note, a smile spreading across his lips.

"Using the straight forward approach, are we? Well sorry to say, it hasn't work out for me. And judging from the ketchup stains on you letter, I'm guessing that you can relate."

I sighed, leaning back into him and trying not to imagine where I'd be in twenty minutes.

He gave me a cocky smile, and I knew that he hadn't overlooked the part of my note involving him.

"Everyone at school drools over me?" His green eyes twinkled.

"Only the stupid ones. Which is, almost everyone." I teased.

He put on his pouty face, leaning over to whisper in my ear. "You don't think I'm hot?"

I tried to look thoughtful, though the giggling probably ruined the effect.

"Hmmmm.... Nope."

He laughed softly in my ear, sending shivers down my back.

"Then why do you keep sleeping with me?"

I looked around, making sure the house was empty before replying. My mom had just left for a doctors appointment, and I knew my dad had rushed to the office early this morning, so I was in luck.

"Cause if I don't, who will?" I instantly knew that it was an unplausible lie, since most girls my age already want to screw him.

"Lot's of people." He defended himself. I rolled my eyes at him.

"Crazy people." I muttered, just loud enough for him to hear. I broke off from his embrace and made my way upstairs to finish getting ready for priso- I mean, high school.

As I climbed the stairs, I heard him call after me. "Well then, why do you sleep with me?"

I turned my head back to look at him, rolling my eyes in a way that implied duh. "I never said that I wasn't crazy!"

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