Chapter Seven

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Hello! Sorry this is one day late; I mean to upload once a week but doesn't happen oops. But Happy Thanksgiving to all! I actually had this mostly done last night; don't worry, I spent my Thanksgiving with my family, not on the computer. But now I'm updating. So, I hope you all had a great day, whether you celebrate it or not, and please shoot me a comment, tell me what your thoughts are at this point.

Gracias! <3 vb123321

Chapter Seven

“Why are you wearing nice clothes?”

Sean perched on my bed, his short legs swinging as he sucked a red lollipop and watched as I finished buttoning up my light grey shirt. Combined with a pair of dark-wash jeans, it had Mallory’s approval as an outfit that “brought out my eyes” – which, according to her, was a major factor for girls. I had to admit that it did make my eyes look more grey than usual, but I generally didn’t notice things like that. But, hey, if Kasey did, I was all for it.

Answering Sean’s question, I said, “I’m going on a date, buddy.”

“With a girl?” he asked, his mouth falling open to reveal a bright red tongue.

“Why is that so shocking?”

I jumped at him suddenly, grabbing him under the arms and throwing him over my shoulder so that he hung upside-down. His sucker fell to my carpet as he choked with laughter and beat at my back with his little fists. Swinging him around playfully, I pulled him upright and set him back on the bed.

“Is she very pretty?”

“Hell yes,” I replied without thinking, and then winced, picturing my mom’s face if she heard me swear in front of a five-year-old. Luckily, Sean was on his hands and knees on the carpet, trying to retrieve his lollipop, and probably hadn’t heard me.

I glanced at the clock: 5:30. Sliding my phone and keys into my pocket, I opened my bedroom door and ushered Sean out, trying to convince him that he really couldn’t finish the lollipop now. As he stalled, complaining that he’d only gotten a few licks, I heard my mom say from downstairs, “Does the car have enough gas in it? Danny’s leaving in a moment.”

“Where’s he going?” my dad asked, his deep voice filtering upstairs easily. My mom replied too quietly for me to hear, and I could picture him frowning as he said, “I don’t remember him saying anything about a date.”

“Probably because I didn’t ask you,” I muttered, finally giving up and dragging Sean forcibly out of my room. Closing my door, I told him to ask Mom for another sucker and made my way downstairs, hoping I could get out before my dad saw me.

No such luck: As soon as I came down the stairs, both parents came into the front hall. My mom smiled at me, saying, “You look very nice, dear. I’m sure Cassie will think you’re very handsome.”

Kasey, Mom,” I corrected, rolling my eyes and thinking privately that handsome wasn’t really the greatest adjective in the world. I looked better than that.

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