Chapter Two

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Hola! I'm sorry this update is so late - recently I've been so busy with homework and cross-country. I haven't even watched Teen Wolf in like two weeks because I haven't had time, which is kinda saying something. But anyway, please enjoy this chapter. I know it's kinda slow right now, but I'm just trying to introduce the story. Please shoot me a comment to let me know what you think! :)

Pic of Danny on the side ---->

Gracias! <3 Monica

Chapter Two

The late-August heat was intense, causing sweat to pour freely down my face as I kicked my soccer ball tiredly back to my bag. I still felt the power of adrenaline, though, fresh from a brutal set of sprints, and the rush of confidence that came with knowing that I had beat most of the guys. My dad had better have seen that – he felt the need to watch everything else I did.

“See you, Coop!”

“Later, man!”

“Text me when you get your schedule, okay?”

I called back a “see you!” to my teammates as they grabbed their bags and headed to the parking lot. Lifting the soccer ball into my duffel with my foot, I raised my water to my lips and drank thirstily.

“Man, it’s hot,” I said, looking at my now half-empty water bottle. Ray nodded fervently from the grass, his fingers working through the laces of his cleats. I began to loosen my own, my feet throbbing from the workout.

“Your dad wants to kill us,” my best friend said mournfully. “I hate this endurance stage of the season.” He tipped a bottle of water over his hair, shaking his head like a dog. I jumped away from him, grinning, as water droplets sprayed everywhere. The grass crackled under my feet as I stepped out of my cleats and stretched out my muscles.

“I don’t know how you’re still standing,” Ray said, peering up at me from where he sat on the ground. “You killed yourself on those suicides.”

I shrugged, sloshing water around my mouth. “You were right next to me.”

“Yeah, and I’m not standing!”

After removing my shin guards, I slipped on my slides and zipped up my bag, looking out across the field, where my dad was picking up cones. Most of the guys had already left practice, escaping to air-conditioned cars, but I had to wait for the coach. My dad took the bus to work and then drove home with me after practice.

“You coming over tonight?” Ray asked, bouncing to his feet. “Soccer’s on, so you know what that means.”

I groaned. “Your family goes crazy?”

“No – fiesta!” He laughed, wiping water off his face. “You know you love it.”

“You know, normal families watch American fútbol,” I informed him, slinging my bag over my shoulder. “Maybe I want to go watch the Notre Dame game with Mallory instead. Her mom makes amazing game snacks.”

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