44 - Fjörutíu og Fjórir

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It was surreal to think that just last week I was at university, struggling to stay awake in a Management class, and here I am now getting ready for day two of Liet combat training with no idea if I'll live this excursion.

I decided to wear a hoodie with sweatpants to feel more comfortable about the mark being hidden.

Bayo had been getting increasingly touchy-feely with me, especially around other people. I couldn't stop him, given that we were 'mates' and he even made it look quite believable. It wasn't much for me to actually make him stop it, but it was enough to make me uncomfortable. Wearing the hoodie was also a meagre attempt to feel more hidden from him.

After a breakfast similar to yesterday's, Bayo and I had made our way to the training field where the students were already present.

They had done well for their individual training, so today I decided to start them off in pairs.

"Bayo," I called out to him. He was standing at a little distance with Gamma Fraser, Alpha Alfie and a woman who I assumed was Alfie's mate, judging by the way they held on to each other.

"Yes my pumpkin?" he said, causing me to roll my eyes.

"I need you here, for a demo," I told him.

"She needs me," he replied, making his way to me with a wide smile on his face.

How many times is it acceptable to roll your eyes per minute?

He came to me and wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Yes?" he said, his eyes almost daring me to get his hands off.

"What are you doing?" I asked him through the link. I could feel my ears burning again from the discomfort.

"Convincing," he said.

"You don't have to convince anybody right now," I said, irritated. I removed his arms from my body and stood at a little distance from him.

His smirk didn't leave his face, and I could tell he enjoyed seeing me flustered. "What are we doing?" he asked me.

"Pair training. I want you to help me do a demonstration," I told him.

I caught everyone else's attention and asked them to quickly form pairs. After explaining to Bayo what the drills would be like, we began the session for the day.

Gamma Fraser showed up occasionally to ask Diem for reports on how we were doing, while Alfie and his Luna stared at me in a weird way the entire time.

It was the same way Alfie was analyzing me yesterday, in the forest. They were noticing my movement very carefully, and I could only wonder why they'd want to do that.

Bayo and the others were of no interest to them, and everytime I chanced a glance, they were looking right back.

After a while, I decided to give everyone a short break and walked back with Bayo to where my consistent spectators were.

"I'm getting some water," Bayo said to me through the link, while I continued to walk towards the beckoning pair.

"Absolutely brilliant," said the woman, shaking my hand. She seemed to be a perfect fit for Alfie. Tall, slim, dark-skinned, with blonde afro curls that she pulled off beautifully. Although there was something about her smile that put me off.

"I'm Zula. Alfie's mate. You're such an amazing trainer. I mean, I'm not even training but I think I have learned something. Right Alfie?" she asked him, patting his arm.

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