11 - Ellefta

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As I finished up with work, the sky was still light outside which I was thankful for. I packed up and headed towards the door to see an unexpected figure on the other side of the glass.

I pushed the door open and was greeted by a smiling Uriah. I looked at him and then looked around.

"You're here alone?" I asked tentatively.

"Well, you don't see anyone else here with me, do you?" he said.

This level of sarcasm is okay.

"Oh wait, Alessio is hiding under his invisibility cloak," he looked at me seriously for almost a second before breaking into a goofy grin.

And this kind of sarcasm annoys me.

"What are you doing here Uriah?" I asked calmly, trying my best not to sound rude after somebody left me hanging today.

"I was just passing by, and saw you inside,-"

"So you decided to stay and just stare like a creep till I came outside?" I raised an eyebrow at him.

He paused for a moment, perhaps contemplating an excuse, when he said, "If you want to think that, then yeah sure."

He gave me a beautiful smile and in other circumstances I would probably smile back but he really was a creep and a friend of the biggest creep of all, so no thank you.

Although I was glad I was probably not going to be alone today for the walk home.

"Why did you guys come to our school?" I asked him, walking now.

"We have come as part of the student exchange program," he said with his seemingly rehearsed answer.

Perhaps I could get it out of him?

"Ah yes, you have no other purpose to be here," I said.

I could tell he picked up my change of tone.

"Why would you think we have other reasons?" he asked looking forward.

"Well, I don't believe in coincidences. And Sven came in the very next day after we met at Starke's," I said.

"So you just thought he had a crush on you or something?" he said with laughter in his voice. I could tell he was trying to change the subject.

I walked towards my apartment in dismay.

I am surrounded by idiots.

"No. I think there's something more to his sudden appearance in my life and I want to know why he's being like that and he won't tell me," I said shaking my head.

"And you think, I will?" he asked with fake shock.

"Well yeah, I did," I said.

"You thought absolutely right," he said, giving me his perfect smile again.

I felt as if a burden was taken off my shoulders and I looked at him expectantly.

He continued to walk forward and said, "For a price."

I rolled my eyes. And here I thought, Sven was the most annoying person on the planet.

"What do you want Uriah?" I asked, expecting the worst.

"You have to join our Liet band," he said blatantly, like as if it was no big deal.

The worst, it is.

"Well, okay. Sure. Now can you tell me?" I asked.

He looked at me and raised an eyebrow. "You will join us?" he asked, visibly surprised.

The pause I took was enough for him to turn around and start walking again. "C'mon now Rayne, it's going to be dark soon. We better get you home."

I looked at his retreating back and crossed my arms.

"So what if it's getting dark? I do this everyday you know? I don't need your protection, Uriah," I said to him with contempt.

"I never said you needed my protection. Perhaps it is I who needs yours, warrior?" he winked at me and motioned me to get moving again.

I really wish I could kick that smug look off of his face right now.

I followed behind him and soon reached my apartment.

"This is me," I said stopping in front of my building.

"All right then," he said looking up at the humble residential place.

I walked towards the door and looked back to see him still standing there.

I gave him a weirded out look.

"What?" he asked.

I raised my hands in surrender and walked inside. He was waiting for me to get inside safely.

But, why?

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