Chapter 62

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"Get off of him you whore!" My voice was venom, and I planned to wreck her in my angry.

Marstella let go Luke's arm and jumped away from him.

"Cassie—" she started as I descended upon her, but it was too late, I was too angry. I rose my right hand high in the air, across my chest, and brought it down swiftly, the back of my hand slapping her across the face with an echoing clap that might as well have been a gunshot as she fell on the ground with a cry of anguish. She then started to scramble away from me as I was sure she could see the look in my eye—but that slap had been satisfying enough to quench my thirst.

"You whore," I started as I stepped towards her, my voice deadly. "You awful—" But at that point I felt someone's much stronger arms wrap around my waist and hoist me backwards. I flailed my head wildly to see Prince Coleman was the one holding me.

"That's enough!" he cried.

"Let go of me!" I shrieked, slapping at his arms. He dropped me but stuck an arm out in front of me so that I could not proceed to attack Marstella. I was sure Nikolas was watching my rampage in horror, but I didn't care. Marstella started crying as she sat on the floor, and Luke stood there whipping his head back from me to Marstella, certainly contemplating whether or not to help her up.

Luke didn't have to.

Coleman left his post of guarding me and rushed over to give Marstella a hand as she sat there blubbering.

"Oh quit your crying," I snapped.

"You just slapped her!" Coleman gaped.

I ignored him. "Marstella," I growled. "You need to stay away from Luke, you hear me? I see right through you—you're a manipulator and an attention seeker and you just want him to follow you around like a dog, but I won't stand for any of that, you hear?"

At this point I sensed Nikolas approaching from my peripheral vision, watching the conversation in silence.

"You don't even know me," Marstella said. "And how dare you attack me?"

"Why are you chasing after Luke?" I demanded, staring coldly into her eyes as I was too afraid to look at Luke, too afraid to see what he might be thinking. "You've had months and months but all you did was allow him to serve you and Coleman on dates. That not fair to him! You're just a nasty, jealous wench!"

"I'm giving Luke a chance to choose!" she spat. "And you're just scared that he'll choose me!"

Luke paled even more, if possible. "Marstella!" he cried. "I told you, I'm with Cassie now!"

"Where was that conviction earlier?" she demanded. "Are you trying to save face, Luke?"

"I'm sure it's hard when you're glomming onto him!" I snapped, momentarily placing pause on my frustration with Luke.

"You are so judgmental," Marstella laughed cruelly. "You don't know anything about my life."

"You're right, Marstella. I don't know what you went through, because unlike you I had a father that actually loved me, so I guess I don't have your daddy issues!"

"Cassie!" Luke cried, his eyes wide. Coleman looked surprised. Nikolas smiled slightly.

"Well!" Marstella took an angry step towards me. "At least at the end of the day, I'm a noble, Cassie. Not a pauper playing dress-up!"

"I'd rather be a pauper but have the self-respect of knowing I didn't sleep my way to the top!"

"She didn't just sleep her way to the top," Coleman interjected. "To be clear, I don't give out nobility to women just for sleeping with me."

"You think you're so much better than me?" Marstella demanded. "What with your flirting of all the noblemen!"

"I don't flirt with them!" I said. "I've been very clear that I have a boyfriend."

"Really? Because a little birdie told me that Lord Harrison has quite the interest in you."

"Well that doesn't matter because I'm not entertaining his interests," I said.

"Oh drop the chaste virgin act, will you?"

"It's not an act!" I said. "Besides, I actually am a virgin because sex actually means something to me."

"You're what?!" interjected Coleman. "You're a virgin, Cassie?"

"I am!" I yelled at him. "So what?"

"What century are you living in?" he asked. "Did spending time with Nikolas somehow suck you into his weird eighteenth century dystopia?"

Luke groaned audibly.

"Seems that you haven't been doing much for Luke, then," Marstella sneered.

"You shut your mouth!" I snapped.

"Why? Scared he'll realize that he needs to leave you if I speak too much?"


"That's why you came at me, isn't it?" she demanded. "You were scared, Cassie. Scared that he would kiss me!"

I didn't know what to say, because she was right. And I didn't want to admit it.

"Marstella." This time Coleman spoke when I didn't answer for a couple of seconds. "She has a point, you know? If you really liked Lucas, why didn't you tell me that you two used to date?"

Marstella didn't seem to know what to say. "I just—I just didn't want things to be weird."

"So dragging me along on your dates was a better solution?" Luke cut in.

"I'm sorry, Luke!" she cried. "I didn't know what to do! I told Coleman that we didn't need to bring you along when we went out."

"Well you gave me no reason not to!" Coleman responded. "I thought it was just you not being used to having servants! If you told me he was your ex..."

"If Luke wanted you to know, he would have told you," she defended herself. She looked back at Luke. "And I didn't want him to know either because our relationship was something that was between us, not him!"

"You made him a part of it, Mars!" he shot back. "When you slept with him!"

"And I wish I hadn't!"

"Plus the whole castle knows about it anyways," Luke continued. "I mean, it's referred to as the 'Marstella Incident.' It has a name. Cassie heard about some mysterious 'Marstella Incident' before I ever told her about us!"

"I didn't know what to do!" Marstella cried. "I didn't know if telling Coleman would make things worse."

"How could things have possibly been worse?" I demanded.

"I didn't want Coleman to treat Luke differently or walk on eggshells around him!" she said. "I mean, that's why you didn't tell him, right?" She was addressing Luke then.

At this point my right hand really hurt from where I had slapped Marstella, and her face was red from where I had struck her.

"The point is," I broke in. "You don't care about Luke. You care about yourself."

"That's not true," she growled. "And what about, you, huh? You were hiding around the corner with not one but two men!"

"Nikolas and I happened to be dancing when I saw you leading away my boyfriend so when I investigated, he came out with me. And I have no idea why Coleman is here!" I gestured at him angrily. At that moment, the door to my left—the one Luke and Marstella had come through earlier—opened up, and to my shock the person standing there was none other than Prince Duarte.

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