Chapter 15

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I could tell Luke wasn't too thrilled when I mentioned that I would be riding with Coleman to the pool party, but I played it off like no big deal—it was just a simple carpool, regardless of the limousine. Friday evening finally rolled around, and Prince Coleman and I were to convene on the main floor with our pool gear before heading to the car. I pulled my hair up into a high ponytail and wore a navy blue one-piece with white polka dots—it was a very simple design, no ruffles or fanciness. Overtop I wore a light white swim dress paired with my pink Dollar Store flip flops. I had a drawstring backpack from some summer camp ages ago with my phone, headphones, wallet, towel, and a change of clothes for the ride back.

When I arrived to our spot on the main floor, I saw Coleman standing there with white swim trunks, a navy swim shirt, and a duffle bag. His swim shirt was tight against his body, emphasizing his large biceps and excellent physique. To top it all, I quickly realized we were wearing matching colors.

This is just freaking great.

"You ready to go?" Coleman asked me.

"Yes, your highness," I bowed my head. "I thank you for allowing me to ride with you."

"You're welcome," he sighed as he ran his hand through his hair.

"How are you liking your haircut?" I asked him as I followed him through the palace. I disliked awkward silence, though as soon as I asked I realized that it would probably be for the best if I didn't say anything.

"I don't know. Sometimes I miss my hair, but it is rather nice to have it short. It's off my neck, which is nice. I don't know if I'll keep it short or grow it out."

I didn't say anything, as I shouldn't have even sparked conversation in the first place.

"Why do you ask?" Coleman said after a few seconds of silence.

"Oh, just curious, sir." Soon we'd be in the limo, and I could probably just sit up front with the driver. Then it would be alright.

Coleman and I exited to the outdoors, but there was no car there.

"Hmm, looks like the valet is running a tad late," Coleman sighed. "Bert wouldn't be late."

"Who's Bert?" I asked, despite my flimsy vow to maintain silence. I also needed to say something to distract myself from the chilly weather.

"He's my limo driver."

"Oh, so then did you get a new driver?"

"No, I'm driving today. I just send someone to fetch my car."

I blinked rapidly. Wait. I thought. Oh no. Oh heck no.

"You're driving?" I suddenly asked, panicked.

"Yes. I usually drive when I go to parties like these," he answered. "I don't drive as much as I'd like to, as I do hate driving in the city, but I usually drive when I'm by myself or going to a place like Mercucios's."

"So, we aren't taking a limo?" I questioned.

He turned to me with a dark eyebrow raised. "Don't worry, Cassie." A smirk. "I don't drive clunkers." At that moment a car entered the roundabout and stopped in front of us, and I was met with a gorgeous fancy sports car that was red and black—it was probably the coolest car I'd ever seen. A man stepped out of the driver's seat, walked up to Coleman, and handed him a pair of keys.

"Your highness, I apologize!" The man said. "I hope you were not waiting long."

"No worries, Cassie and I hardly had to wait," Coleman said.

The valet turned to face me and rose his eyebrows. Oh great—another gossip leak.

"We're just carpooling," I snapped at the valet. "So no need to run your mouth off."

"I—I wasn't going to!" the valet protested, but I didn't believe him.

I turned to look at the sleek car in question. "Are we really going to ride in that?" I asked Prince Coleman, breaking my internal deal to not talk to him for the 26th time. But I'm sorry, it's a gorgeous car.

"Why?" he asked, his voice teasing. "Did you want to take the Lamborghini instead?"

"What kind of car is it?" I asked as we approached the vehicle.

"Bugatti Divo."

I whistled. "I'm pretty sure that's worth more than my life."

"I'm pretty sure it's not," he said casually as he opened the front door for me.

I rose my eyebrows. "Oh-oh no need for that, your highness!" I said. "I'm so sorry, I should be opening your door, sir. I'm sorry I got distracted, I'll just go on and—"

"I'm a gentleman, Cassie, so humor me, won't you and get in the car?" Coleman asked of me.

So far I was off to a horrible start and I probably deserved to be struck down for this, but I got into the passenger's seat and Coleman shut the door behind me before climbing into the driver's seat.

"You look nervous," he said.

I blushed. "I'm not nervous!"

"I promise I'm a good driver, even if I often travel by limousine."

I smiled awkwardly. "Of course, your highness. I apologize if I made you feel as though I doubted you."

Coleman rolled his eyes and started to get the car smoothly rolling away from the palace. "So, are you planning on acting as the meek and humble servant the whole time at the party?"


"Cassie, enough with the 'sir' business, please. We're going to a party."

"Sorry, your highness."

"That's not really better, you know," he said.

"How does 'Prince Coleman' sound, then?" I huffed.

"I can work with that."

I decided to ignore him and look around at his beautiful car. I was never going to sit in anything so nice ever again, I was sure.

"I take it you like the car?" Prince Coleman asked me.

"I'll admit it, it's super cool. I can't believe you have something so nice!" I gushed.

He laughed. "I'm the Crown Prince of this entire country, Cassie. Of course I have a nice car." I looked over at him, his hand on the steering wheel, a smile on his face. Why does he have to be such an attractive human being?

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