Part (18)

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(3rd POV)

"Jungkook please let me explain". Taehyung got up and brushed the dust off of his cloths.

He has been sitting here for about 3 hours just waiting for the younger to get home.

He has been busy for the whole week since he had a lot of paper work to do that involved the case.

He finally caught the guy that killed his father....and yet he felt like something was missing.

Someone was missing....

"Will you just leave". Jungkook muttered before walking past Taehyung and opening the door.

"Jungkook please...." Taehyung begged grabbing the youngers wrist to stop him from going in.

"I said leave". Jungkook spat before pushing Taehyungs hand away and rushing inside of the house.

He slammed the door behind him putting a hand on his chest....seeing Taehyung again was suffocating.

"I don't know if you can hear me or not....but I still need to explain, you deserve at least that much". Taehyung sighed before crouching down and leaning against the wooden door.

"Yes, my mission was to get close to you to find information about your father". Taehyung started in hopes that Jungkook would listen to his explanation.

"I didn't want to go through this because I thought we would never get anything from you....but that was the only way for me to be a part of the mission". Taehyung continued.

"The only reason I worked on this mission was because my father had worked on it years ago.....but he was killed by your father". Hearing those words Jungkook felt his chest tighten.

"I wanted revenge...gosh I would've done anything to get revenge on my fathers death....even if that meant playing with your feelings". Taehyung sighed.

"But that's the thing....I wasn't playing with your feelings Jungkook". Taehyung added.

"I'll admit at first I was....but after getting to know you....I wanted to be close to you, not for some stupid information nor for revenge". Taehyung smiled.

"I realized that when you kissed me that day....I could still feel the warmth of that kiss...." Taehyung chuckled tracing his lips with his thumb.

Jungkook sat down in front of the door and leaned backwards against the cold wood.

He didn't know why he was listening to Taehyungs explanation...but he just felt the need to do so.

"And believe me when I say that there are no words that can express how horrible I feel for lying to you like that". Taehyung continued.

"I understand it if you can't forgive me...I haven't even forgiven myself...." Taehyung felt his eyes start to sting.

"But please don't take my feelings for granted....I really do love you and I would never lie about that..." Taehyung chuckled feeling a tear roll down his cheek.

"What am I doing?" Taehyung laughed at how pathetic he must've looked right now.

"Of course he won't just sit and listen to my explanation...he'd probably think of them as excuses anyways...but can I blame him?" Taehyung muttered under his breath.

"He hates me....." Taehyung whispered before wiping the tears with the hem of his sleeve.

He noticed how there was no response and realized Jungkook must've gone to bed a long time ago.

"I love you...." Taehyung whispered before walking away...

On the other side of the door was Jungkook who was still leaning against the cold wood.

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