Part (8)

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(3rd POV)

It's already been 15 minutes and Jungkook has only managed to take down half of the guys.

He was panting and pain kept on shooting through his body with every move he made.

But he couldn't run away since there was no escape....his father sure knows when to choose the right time to strike.

'Where the hell are you guys....' Jungkook thought wondering why Jimin and Jin still aren't here yet.

Suddenly a guy attacked him and took him by surprise....Jungkook was too slow to react and was hit on the back of the head with the bat.

He crouched down on the ground feeling blood start to run down his neck.

His vision was getting blurry and he was struggling to keep his eyes open.

He fought the pain with all his strength and looked up only to see a blurry figure approaching him.

"T...tae-" Jungkook struggled to mutter out...yet before he could continue he felt another stroke of pain shooting from the back of his head.

"JUNGKOOK!" Taehyung yelled rushing to the younger who almost slammed his face on the hard concrete.

Luckily Taehyung got there just in time to catch him....the younger looked like he had been thrown into a cage of hungry lions.

His lips were busted and his eyes were swollen....bruises covered his whole body.

And his head.....

"What are you waiting for? Grab them!" The guy that hit Jungkook yelled and the others hesitated but then followed his orders.

"JUNGKOOK!" Suddenly Jin rushed to the scene and he saw an unconscious Jungkook laying on Taehyungs lap.

Jin was so angry that his veins almost popped....his eyes turned into ones that held pure hate.

"I'll kill you". Jin growled before striking the first hit...


(Jungkooks POV)

My eyes fluttered open but the light was too strong so I kept them shut.

Pain was flowing through my whole body and my head was killing me.

Then it hit me....I got beaten up by some gang members...and one of those bastards had a bat and hit the back of my head.

But right before I passed out someone suddenly appeared...

I can still remember their warmth...the way they held me close to reminded me of someone....

But it couldn't have been him....he doesn't even know about my family.

My train of thought was cut off by the sound of the curtains being moved.

I felt a warm hand brush my hair away from my face and then place the palm on my forehead.

After some struggle I finally managed to open my eyes and make them get used to the light.

(3rd POV)

"H...hyung?" Jungkook managed to mutter out staring straight into the olders looked like he hadn't slept for days.

"'re awake". Jin sobbed flashing the younger a sad smile.

Jungkook was shocked to see a tear roll down his Hyungs cheeks...he had never seen the older cry except for that one time...

Before Jungkook could say anything, Jimin burst into the room with tear filled eyes.

"K....kookie...." Jimin sobbed rushing to the youngers side and holding his hand.

"Think you could get rid of me that easily?" Jungkook chuckled trying to sit up and lean against the bed.

"You idiot! How could you just go into a fight unarmed like that". Jimin scolded glaring at the younger.

"Will you believe me if I told you I don't know?" Jungkook himself was confused...why was he there?

Jimin and Jin glanced around each other both having a confused expression drawn on their faces.

"You mean you don't remember why you were there?" Jimin asked confused.

"I...I really don't remember, and who were those guys who attacked me anyways, were they from another mob?" Jungkook asked.

"Kookie they were-" Jimin started but Jin jumped in and stopped him.

"I think you should rest a bit more...we'll be downstairs if you need us". Jin smiled before grabbing Jimins wrist and dragging him outside.

Jungkook was confused as to why the two were acting like was suspicious.


"Hyung why did you do that?" Jimin asked Jin confused as to why he interrupted him and dragged him outside.

"Call Yoongi right now". Jin simply said running his fingers through his hair in frustration.

He hoped that what he had in mind wasn't right....but if it just so happens that his assumptions were correct.

Then this sure will be a hell of a ride...


"Where is he?" Taehyung rushed into the coffee shop.

"Upstairs...he woke up just a few moments ago". Jimin answered him, but before he could continue the last sentence Taehyung has already made his way to the stairs.

Before Taehyung could take another step up the stairs though, Jin held out his hand and stopped him.

"We need to talk first". He said in a stern tone before leading Taehyung to one of the tables that were in the coffee shop.

"Jungkook doesn't remember why he was in that alley...nor does he remember that the guys who attacked him are his fathers men".

Taehyungs expression turned to one of confusion as he heard the words come out of Jins mouth.

"What does that mean?" Taehyung asked in confusion...he didn't understand what Jin was applying to.

"That means he lost his memories...but I'm not sure since he still remembers us". Jin added pointing at himself and Jimin.

"That's why you're here...if he doesn't remember you then that means he lost his memories of a certain period of time". Jin continued, getting up from his place.


"I can't believe they just left me alone". Jungkook huffed in annoyance.

'I wonder if he's worried about's gonna be hard hiding all these bruises from him' Jungkook though hugging the pillow tightly.

"Kookie you have visitors". Jimin called out to the younger whos face instantly lit up.

"He's here!" Jungkook jumped up from the bed ignoring all the pain the struck through his body.

He walked down the stairs feeling as excited as a 7 year old who just got his first bike.

"Sehun~ahh". Jungkook exclaimed in excitement only to be disappointed...the person in front of him wasn't Sehun.

It was a complete stranger...

"W...who are you?" Jungkook asked in both confusion and disappointment.

"I...I'm Taehyung a classmate of yours". Taehyung answered ignoring the burning feeling in his chest.

Jungkook didn't remember who he was....after all the hard work of trying to get closer to the younger.

3 months of him doing his best to get closer to Jungkook to find information...

It all went in vain....


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