Chapter Twenty-Three: La Luna Llena I (The Full Moon I)

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And like the moon, we must go through phases of emptiness to feel full again.


Alex's POV


That was the only word that could describe how I felt about my situation.

I was beaten and tired. I was weak beyond measure and all I could do was remain crouched on the cold hard ground whimpering and praying to whatever forces were out there to send someone my way because honestly, I didn't think Nicolai was alive. If he was he wouldnt have left me here to suffer this fate.

He wouldn't have allowed it get this far before he came barreling in here to save me. I wouldnt have had to have this excuse of a man touch me. I was disgusted and appalled. I felt filthy and worthless. And it wasn't helping that I hadn't taken my bath since I was brought here.

I was beginning to smell and I didn't like it. I am a naturally neat person and this environment I was in was nothing close to what I was used to.

I preferred clean and fresh environments in which everything was orderly. Sometimes I wondered if I was some type of neat freak. I know as werewolves we trained and had to get dirty, I get that. But when I was in human form, I preferred to be clean and fresh.

My clothes were dirty and my muscles were cramped up. I didn't want to do anything else. Actually, there was one thing I wouldn't mind doing now-


I wouldn't mind dying at this moment. I mean it would be much better for me to be able to breath my last breaths when I was curled in a ball on this cold hard floor, a few minutes from now. What more was there to live for? I felt like I had reached my upper limit and there was nothing else I could possibly do to restore things with me. I closed my eyes and let sleep wash over me.

Nicolai's POV

The fight with Trevor was not easy at all. Yes, I was the most powerful Alpha in all of the werewolf community but I wasnt invisible and didnt possess any special powers. I was stronger than your average male werewolf but the fact that Trevor was an Alpha wasnt making defeating him any easier. He was a good match for me but there was no way in hell he was going to be able to defeat me in the battle. We had been fighting for some time and I had managed to protect myself as best as I could, and so has Trevor. Granted, we were both dirty and smelly from exerting all that energy but we weren't anywhere near giving up.

I was a man of my word. I meant every word I said back then when I told Trevor that hed trespassed on my land hed get what hed come here for.

He was going to get what he came here for. He wouldn't make it out of here alive. And even if by some miracle he did make it out of here alive then he wasnt going to leave here the same. He would leave with some parts of his body not the same as they were when he first entered.

Trevor was currently on the floor because I'd pushed him away. Presently I couldn't tell which part of the pack we were at but I was certain we were still on my territory. I couldnt help but wonder how Alex was doing in the battle.

Was she okay? Had she killed anyone? Was she hurt? Did she need my help? What if she was in a situation that required she got help, who would be there to help her?

Maybe it wasnt my brightest idea to allow her fight with us. I had put her in danger yet again. First was leaving her alone after discovering her as my mate and now Id willing brought her to the battle field and she was on her own.

My train of thoughts were disrupted when I felt Trevor scratch me with his paws but I managed to get a good one on him when he was letting go of me. We continue fighting each other as if our lives depended on it, and honestly speaking our lives kind of depended on this fight.

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