Chapter Eleven :Jealous Much?!

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"Jealousy- a sentiment which is born in love and which is produced by the fear that the loved person prefers someone else."



Alex's POV

I won't deny the fact that I was hurt. I had stormed off to my room and tried as I did, I couldn't stop the rivers of Babylon flowing out of my eyes.

I wept my eyes dry. It got to the point where I was crying but no tears were coming out.

I cried for having to choose between my family and my mate. I cried for having to leave behind my pack for a pack I didn't feel welcomed in. I cried for having a mate such as Alpha Nicolai Sharpe. I cried for the fact that Nicolai didn't want or desire me in anyway. I cried for the fact that a small part of me had hoped he would come after me.

Drained of all energy and strength, I crawled into the bathroom and decide to have a long, soothing, cold bath. I stripped out of my clothes and allowed them to fall at my feet and then stepped into the tub. I felt shivers ran down my spine from how cold the water was considering I am a werewolf and our normal body temp is usually high. I laid down and closed my eyes, blocking out all the disturbing thoughts and images that plagued me.

I sat up with a jolt. I didn't realize I had fallen asleep in the tub. I stepped out of the bath tub and wrapped a towel around my hair and body. I fell into a world of oblivion as soon as my head hit the pillow, not even bothering to change into sleepwear.


Streaks of sunlight shone through the gaps in between the curtains. Judging by how the sun was shining I would say it was almost noon. I walked down the stairs to grab a bite because hell! My stomach was killing me here.

Aiden was in the kitchen when I got there. He stiffened when he saw me but I made light of it. I opened the fridge and took out a small tub of chocolate ice-cream and sat on one of the tools and begun my mission of devouring this ice-cream.

"A... Uh...Lu-sorry, Alex...."Aiden said uncomfortably. I did not get why he was acting all weird around me.

I gave him a look that basically screamed what the hell is it?

"Uh...I don't know if you'd realized it but you are in nothing but a towel" Realization hit me like a bitch! I had fallen asleep in my towel the night before and had just fixed it before coming to hunt for food downstairs. I shot out of my seat and run out into the living room in hopes of escaping to my room but it was too late. I met the last person I wanted to meet yet alone in nothing but a towel.


He looked me up and down and finally his gaze met mine. My face was flushed. I saw his jaw clench; his canines extend and his grey eyes turn pitch black in a matter of seconds.

Oh-hoh. I had a sinking feeling about this...

He stormed over to the where Aiden was. From the yell that came out of the kitchen I had a pretty good idea what was going on or what was about to go on. I rushed in there and lo and behold, Nicolai had Aiden by the collar and slammed him against the fridge. Aiden groaned in pain. That didn't seem to stop Nicolai as he grabbed him again and threw him against the wall. By this time Aiden was already bleeding.

"STOP!" he didn't hear. He just carried on hitting the poor guy. I was afraid I kid you not.

Everyone knows Nicolai Sharpe was the strongest werewolf and so even if Aiden fought back, he wouldn't have a chance but surprisingly he didn't fight back.

"STOP! STOP! STOP!" that finally got his attention. He looked at me and started out for blood more specifically my blood. I took a step backwards but he still inched closer to me.

I was a minute away from peeing in my pants...

His breath was hot on my skin. His chest rose and fell with every breath he took. His canines still extended and his entire being shaking out of anger.

"Calm down Nicolai. Nothing happened. I didn't know I was in just a towel. Calm down. Calm down. I whispered soothingly in an attempt to get him back.

It seemed to be working!

"Keep going, Alex. He'll listen to you. Keep it up" Travis encouraged. I took a step forward and a deep growl came from within Nicolai's throat. Stretching my hand, I reached out for him.

"Keep your focus on me. Only me." It worked! His eyes changed to the grey colour I loved; his canines retracted.

I turned to look at Aiden and saw him cold on the floor. I did the one thing that any normal person would do. I ran to him.

"Aiden..." no answer.

"Aiden..." no response. I placed my index and middle finger on his wrist trying to see if he had a pulse.

And glad was I when I felt the faintest of a pulse.

"Get him to the pack doctor. I will be down there after I've changed into clothes." I ran up to change into something more...appropriate.

Travis' POV

I wouldn't lie. I was and still am happy. Judging from the reaction from Nicolai when he saw Alex coming out of the kitchen with just a towel wrapped her, I would say the guy had started developing feelings for the girl but I knew that he being the dickhead that he was...he wouldn't admit it.

Nicolai is my best friend and I would be lying if I told you things between us was superb or as good us youd think they should be between best friends (we werent gay). Ever since we were kids Nicolai was okay. I mean we played together and went on adventures together but when he turned five, he changed and by change, I mean totally. His cold exterior began and he withdrew from me.

That was when he stopped playing with me (giving me no explanation whatsoever) and started his training to be pack alpha.

Occasionally I would find him crying but it stopped after a while and it seemed like he was even more withdrawn then.

Back to the present, we are with Mark Kent the pack doctor discussing Aiden's health.

Broken nose, broken ribs, fractured spine, a concussion and worst of all he slipped into a coma.


OH, Nicolai...

"Is he okay? Will he survive? Dammit! This is all my fault" That was Alex. She seemed so concerned and I couldn't help but smile as a thought occurred to me. She will make a good Luna but there was one problem...

Alpha Nicolai Sharpe!

When he plans on introducing Alexandria to Bloodhound Pack as our Luna, I wonder...

The Abused Alpha [COMPLETED]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora