Chapter 11

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Alexander's POV

I was contemplating on whether to leave or not. I really didn't want to leave my sweet Rose for last time I left, she managed to escape high security and got her already injures ankle to worsen. Though I have put on more guards around the house and ordered George, the head security, to stay alert in case of emergencies.

"You sure you want to go because your face is saying something else." Stefan said smirking and wiggling his eyebrows knowingly as I drove through the driveway to Britany's house. Apparently she tipped off the Russians about my coming consignments. I don't know how she got that info but won't take me long to know it.

"Come on, say it bro. Little miss Moretti has already got you wrapped around her little fingers, isn't it?"

I smiled and he broke into laughs. Damn it! I can't even control my emotions that betrays me whenever am with Stefan. That little shit! He knows me so damn well.

"I still can't believe she is the one I so wanted to put in my aquarium with the piranhas." And I gave him a pointed look that screamed 'not if you want to lose your head first'. He held his hands up in surrender. I was almost there when my phone rang. It was connected to the screen next to my steering wheel and it flashed my butler's name, Sofia. She was a middle aged woman that worked at the mansion much before I was even born. She took care of the house after the death of my parents. She rarely calls me until there is something really bad going on which kind of set me on panic mode because Roslyn was at home. Quickly I answered the call and her panic stricken voice filled up the whole car.

"M-Morning sir, actually there is an issue here. La regina(The queen) has been crying for almost half an hour and won't stop. She has been breaking lot of things off the ground and I fear that she might hurt herself. She won't even calm down and has locked herself in the kitchen." At the last phrase of hers my foot slammed on the brake and the tires screeched halt in the middle of the road.

"Just go bro, I will handle it." Stefan gave me a nod before exiting the car and entering one of the black SUVs while I started the engine and made a sharp U-turn back to the mansion. My palms were sweaty as I began fearing for the worse. Roslyn won't harm herself, will she? But I was not taking any chances. She has just been taken away from her happy world to a world full of violence. I cant expect her to be all happy and joyful. I floored the gas and soon the big gate came into view.

I screeched the car and almost bumped into one of the 2 pillars that stood proudly infront of the main door. I ran into the house and saw all the maids gathered infront of the kitchen door which was broken already.

"WHERE IS SHE?" I roared and all the maids dropped on the knees fearing that I will just shoot their head if ever they even breathe incorrectly which I might do if any harm is caused to my sweet petal. I entered the kitchen and saw Sofia standing just outside the back door. pushing past her I saw George standing and the sight before him got my heart to stop beating for a moment. Roslyn was on her knees and was swaying around. The dogs were still unfamiliar to her and was running at full speed to bite her but one order and they stopped instantly and sat on the ground wagging their tails.

I ran to her just s she was about hit the ground. She tried to pry my hands off but I held her close. She was having a panic attack. I stroked her hair softly and I whispered at George for a sedative. I really hate to do that to her but she leaves me no choice.

"Voglio tutte le cameriere nel mio ufficio e Matilda. E tieni presente che se dovessi sapere che qualcuno di voi l'ha ferita in qualsiasi modo, sei buono come morto! E Sofia, chiamami quel dannato dottore !!!!" (I want all the maids in my office as well as Matilda. And bear in mind that if I get to know that any of you has hurt her in any means, you are as good as dead! And Sofia, call me the damn doctor!!!!) I bellowed as I picked up the motionless body of my sweet Rose and head back to her room. I would have taken her to my room but I had promised her some privacy before shifting her. The doctor came and did a checkup while I was pacing around the room, anxiety eating me up. As she was finished she turned to me. That damn bitch had a bored look on her face and her eyes shone as soon as they landed on me. She was checking me out when she realized that I was right staring at her and caught her red handed. She blushed and smiled at me.

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