Chapter 7

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Hot water splashed on my back making it burn with an excruciating pain that made me almost lose consciousness for the nth time. I screamed in agony and thrashed against my chains. He continued laughing at my poor attempt to break free.

"You thought you could escape with those measley attempt?" He snickered "You will serve me as your master just like your mother did. You will have to earn the prize or else..." he laughed as he inserted the syringe in my arms and I lost all my senses.

My heart start constricting as I felt it burn. My muscles stopped working and I became at his mercy. He started kissing my neck and trailed his filthy lips along my jaws. With all my strength I moved my head a little and bit his ears until I successfully bit it off. He let out a scream holding his half remaining ear.

"BITCH! YOU ARE GOING TO REGRET IT!" He took a knife from the ground and crammed it in my palm.."

"NO!!" I woke up all in sweats. My heart racing miles. The sun was lighting the room orange. First thing I noticed was the large room I was in. All dark colored. I was in a king sized bed with silk sheets covering my south. All the past memories came crashing down upon my and my heartbeat spiked up. I tried to calm my breathings but it seemed that I was failing to do so. I felt the walls closing up on me. My breathings came in gasps as my visions blurred. I heard someone calling my name from far apart but I couldnt distinguish it. I felt a pinch in my arm and I drifted to oblivion again.

This time I woke up to the rising sun. It enlightened up the room I was in and damn! It was the most beautiful room I'd ever seen. I rubbed my arms at the goosebumps appearing as the room was chilly. Of course it was winter season. I noticed that both my wrists were bandaged. Realization dawned upon me.

"Well well little princess. What's the haste?"
"Give up princess."
"Stop fighting the drug princess, you've already lost."

I was kidnapped! AGAIN! I hopped off the bed and a faint wave of dizziness made me halt my actions. As it passed, I scanned the room; 3 doors and a window. One probably the door, one bathroom, one I dont know. Trying the knob of the door it was locked. Obviously! I tried to break the window but after almost smashing every possible thing on it, there was barely a scratch! So I decided to use the old method. I looked for a piece of wire and found one from the broken lamp. I inserted it on the door lock and wriggled it around. Come one FBI, dont disappoint me. After trying for 15 mins it opened! Hallelujah! Right after an alarm went off. Panic-stricken I ran where my instinct told me. There was an elevator and  by judging the numbers rising, the elevator was coming right to the floor I was in.

I ran to the stairs and I heard some noises in the background but I was too terrified to even look back. My ankle made a sickening broken sound and I rolled down the remaining stairs. The voices were coming closer and I limped to the janitor's cabin the was right at the corner. I hid inside and placed my palm on my mouth to avoid making any noise as my ankle was giving me extreme pain. I looked at it and saw blood oozing and drenching the bandage around it crimson red. I heard footsteps getting closer until they came to a complete halt which was right on in front of me.

"Do you think we lost her?" I heard one man saying. Through a small hole I tried to look outside only to see a hand holding a gun. Tears flowed silently as I thought I was going to die.

"There is no way! She must be around here itself." I heard ascending steps." I came from downstairs, she wasnt there. Spread around and search for her." A booming voice commanded and I flinched at the tone.
I heard hushed voices until I heard my name being called.

"Ms Moretti? Are you in there?" The same voice that commanded before called out softly. I remained silent not even breathing fearing that they might hear me.

"Ms Moretti, we wont harm you." The voice cooed. Yeah right with the gun you are definitely harmless.😑

The door of the cabin creaked open slowly and I tightly close my eyes not wanting to see the face of my soon to be murderer. A small whimper left my lips as he called my name more softly.

"Ms Moretti we really mean no harm. Your wound is not looking good. Please come with us so we can tend it." I looked at my now bloody ankle and saw blood trailing out on the floor. It did look gruesome. I moved my eyes up and I dug myself back in the cabin as I saw the gun again. He realized what I saw and tossed it away out of my sight and put his hands up in defense. I looked at the face which seemed somewhat familliar.

"Please Ms Moretti, your wound needs urgent care before it get infected." He forwarded his hand towards me for me to hold it. I was kidnapped, rescued to be kidnapped again. Who in the sane world would trust her kidnappers who were looking for her with guns and now being all saint? I scratched his hand drawing blood and screamed bloody murder hoping someone would help me.

"Ms Moretti, we were being gentle as you are really precious but seeing that you are going to be incorporate, you left me with no choice." He threw a dart at me and I so geniusly blocked it with my hands only for it to stick in the back of my hand. I ripped it off my hand and went to throw it at him but my hand stopped halfway and dropped own on my laps lifelessly. I wanted to scream at him but my voice slurred. He picked me up with utmost gentleness and began marching towards the floor elevator.

"Inform the King, the queen is found and safe and she is being taken to the penthouse." The last thing I heard before going back to the painless sleep.

Alexander's POV

I had to leave Roslyn for a short time as I flew down to Australia as I got to know that some idiots were liquidating my drugs by small quantity so I wouldnt know but they were the one who didnt know who was the king.

"I want to know the name?" I hit his jaw dislocating it.

"I d-dont know wh-what are you t-talking about k-king?" I scoffed kicking his stomach and he fell down coughing blood.

"Please spare us!" Another one spoke. Damn they were loyal but soon to be dead.

"Give me the name and I'll spare you."

"If I give you the name, will you let me work for you?" He tried to make a deal. I smirked at him and nodded. My men looked at me for a second with questioning eyes but didnt dare to oppose me. Loyal mutts!

"Volkov." I knew it! That son of a bitch didnt have the guts to face me like a man so he stole drugs so he could make money from them! I will find you rat and shred you personally. I took my gun and put a bullet in the middle of the head of the two tied men. When you cant be loyal to your boss I cant expect loyalty to me.

"Boss.." my third command handed me my phone with Stefan on call. Before leaving I entrusted my queen to my most trusted person. No harm could happen to her under his watch.

"How is my queen doing? Is she woken up yet?" I asked, signaling for my men to clean up the mess as I made way towards the car. But the next 2 words he spoke made my heart stopped for a second.

"She escaped."

"How did she escaped?" I boomed and my driver sped off to the airport on my command. Did someone break into the room? All sorts of scenarios came into my mind.

"She woke up, opened the door with a small wire and we lost her" he panted as if he was running.

"How do you f*cking lose an injured woman woken up after being drugged for 2 days!?" I was losing my patience as moments passed.

My pilot was already standby waiting for me. He started on the engine and proceeded to fly the private jet. The monster inside wanted to go on rampage but my queen will not be able to handle terror. A ping signaled me that I got a message.

'The queen is found and safe and is being brought to your mansion for treatment. -Stefan'

A sigh escaped my mouth as I sipped my champagne. She was safe. Little Roslyn, you tried to escape me when I wasn't here. I will make sure that you wont even think about taking a step out once I touch the ground. You made a mistake and you will be punished...


Till then...

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