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"Where are you?" Hephaestus asked.

"I'm close enough to the camp," Percy answered. He had two children trailing behind him. He didn't know their godly parents, but they were demigods.

"I'll send one of the demi-titans to take them back. Annabeth is in the camp." Hephaestus told him.

"Is Kenneth at the camp?" Percy asked, thinking if he was his son would probably have killed Annabeth by now. "No, he is right where you left him," Hephaestus said.

"It doesn't matter if she's there, I have to make sure these two get settled into the Hermes cabin if they're not claimed on-sight. Plus, Kai is at the camp." Percy said though he began to reconsider his answer as the camp came into view.

Did he really want to look at her right now?

Percy looked at the two boys trailing behind him, keeping their distance. In the few hours the three had known each other, the children had learned that Percy wouldn't let anything kill them, but at the same time, the rough-looking metal giant didn't look all too inviting.

The camp's borders were in view and he turned to the two children. They had... surprising features, to say the least. They gave Percy a bad feeling but no matter how much Percy thought about it, he couldn't think of any other justification for the feeling with the exception of their appearance. They both had dark hair and possessed eerie green eyes, fear stitched into them. Fear that Percy almost... felt.

"Look less scared guys, there are plenty of things you can be scared of, I definitely don't have to be one of them," Percy said motioning them forward.

They didn't say anything, just nodded, content on agreeing whatever for the sake of not dying.

Percy rolled his eyes, before motioning forward again, telling them to go-ahead towards the camp.

"This is the camp I told you about, " Percy said as they walked into the camp. The children didn't respond to him, just looked around suspiciously.  Very cautious, these two.

Of course, as always, the camp was lively but maybe a different 'lively' than usual. The activity in the camp usually consisted of anything to do with training, but today they all seemed to be gathered in one spot, not one of them brandishing any weapon nor anyone practicing abilities...

With the exception of Nico, who had his sword in hand, and looked furious.

One look at Nico's face had Percy pondering on whether or not he should get any closer to the son of Hades, but then he saw a familiar blonde demigod and he knew it would probably not end well if he didn't step in.

Percy kept going towards the gathered demigods, making sure that he obstructed the vision of the two children behind him in the case this actually got bloody.

"Hey Per-- I mean, Clockwork, this is kind of a bad time..." Leo started uneasily, looking at the children behind Percy.

Percy raised a finger before he began pushing his way to the front of the assembled crowd, ignoring the looks and whispers of the demigods, mostly of the younger and newer ones, those who had never met Percy and were told the stories of his sudden disappearance.

Nico and Annabeth were in the middle of some kind of intense staring contest, Nico having his weapon the perfect position to split Annabeth's remaining arm in two. Annabeth's dagger was at Nico's feet and Percy realized that he knew that dagger. He frowned at the sight of it but went back to the standoff of the two demigods.

"Isn't killing a fellow camper a crime?" Percy asked Nico, turning to look at him. At this, Nico lowered his weapon, but not his glare, so the disowned daughter of Athena stayed rooted where she stood.

Suddenly, Nico raised his sword again. "As of now, she is no longer a camper." He said matter-of-factly. "I wonder why." He finished with a scornful glare targeted at Annabeth.

"I think it's because she killed someone. That should tell you something." Percy said, and Nico lowered his sword.

''I wasn't going to kill her..." He said under his breath before turning away and meeting the gazes of the children behind Percy. "I'll get those two settled in.'' He said, surprising Percy by dropping the subject almost immediately, the anger on his face had diminished in seconds, recognition and fear taking its place. Percy still felt confused when he walked away with the two children. 

Annabeth was motionless when Percy raised his head but he caught sight of the dagger again and frowned, ignoring her and turning to the rest of the demigods.

"Okay, show's over," Leo said, causing the crowd to disperse shortly after hearing the older demigod's orders. Percy turned towards him. "Why couldn't you take care of that standoff earlier Valdez?" Percy asked the elfish demigod. "Well one, it had just started when you got here, you just came at the worst time, and two, I'd already placed the bets and that right there-- easy money." Leo joked.

At least Percy assumed he was joking.

"So did you come here just to drop those two off? You could've had someone pick them up at the barrier." Leo said.

"Did you see Nico's face when he took those two?" Percy asked Leo, wondering if he had imagined it, which is strange as Percy doesn't imagine much. "No, what do you mean?" Leo asked.

Percy shook his head. "Nothing... so uh... is Kai okay?" Percy asked. Leo raised an eyebrow. "I don't know, why won't you go ask her yourself?" He asked.

"Because it's much easier to just ask you...?" Percy asked, confused about why Leo felt the need to ask that question. Leo rolled his eyes. "She's fine." He said plainly. "Thank you. Well, it's about time I leave." Percy said, turning.

"Wait!" Percy froze, caught off guard by the new voice. Then Percy comprehended that it was just Annabeth and continued walking.

"Percy, I know you heard me." Percy didn't disturb his casual stride, but he clenched his jaw under his helmet.

"Back off, Annabeth, you don't get to call him that," Leo said, and Annabeth inhaled sharply at the statement. Well, he was right.

Percy stopped and turned on his heel. "Leo, give me updates on the new kids," Percy said, not forgetting the uneasy feeling they'd given him. "Yeah, sure thing," Leo said.

Percy could feel Annabeth beginning to open her mouth so he raised his hand. "I really don--''

Jasmine's going on a killing spree.


Oof hi guys... happy quarantine. I hope you guys are all staying safe and that you enjoyed this part.

See ya,

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