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Percy's leg was repaired, and when Hephaestus found out that Artemis knew who he was, he quickly told Percy that he was not to go near the hunters or their maiden for any reason, that he personally would get any assignments related to the trafficking.

Percy didn't know why his patron was so worried, but as always, he trusted his judgment.

Yet again, Percy was in a meeting, the Demigod Council also present. Percy felt the moon goddess' eyes on him. "Tell me, husband, why have you called this meeting?" Hera asked when everyone had assembled. "It has come to my attention that very powerful demititans and a child of death are in the camp and with the hunters. And one, the daughter of destruction, betrayed those traveling along with her. And yet she still breathes fresh air instead of rotting in the fields of punishment." Zeus said, sparks in his eyes as he glared at his daughter.

"Father, we need her to--" "Silence! I want all of them exterminated at once!" Zeus snapped, interrupting Artemis. "Father--" Jason defended. "Did I not say, silence boy?" Zeus said, and Jason clenched his jaw but he remained silent.

"I think we should listen to his majesty," Percy said. Everyone looked at him in surprise, even Athena seemed to disagree with her father's command.

"Well, thank you Clock--" "Yes we should listen so we can all be torn to pieces." Percy finished. Zeus glared at him, but Percy continued. "There is someone above the 20. We found Twenty. His name is Kenneth Jackson, age 19 almost 20 and according to him his mother sold him-" Percy held up a single finger to silence Annabeth. "-his mother sold him and the people she sold him to made him stronger."

"What, you had a long chat with him before he nearly turned you into scrap metal--" Annabeth started but Percy interrupted. "We had a very long chat," Percy said, casting a meaningful glance at Annabeth, which silenced her. "About how you and your boyfriend killed your husband, and how you made the boy's life hell for a year before selling him away," Percy said.

Annabeth clenched her jaw, as the rest of the demigods and most of the gods looked at her in anger. "You... You and my brother?" Piper said, seemingly not able to believe it. "Piper..." Annabeth said, trying to remain calm. "Shut up!" Piper snapped. "Brother..." Tyson whimpered.

"You killed Brother?" Tyson said, looking at Annabeth. Anger crystallized in his brown eye, making it light up almost as if it had a fire within it. "Poseidon, get your beast out of here!" Athena said to the sea god when Tyson was within an arms reach of Annabeth. Annabeth had unsheathed her dagger, but Poseidon snapped his fingers and Tyson was gone, teleported back to Atlantis.

"Is this true Apollo? Did my daughter kill the hero?" Athena asked her brother. "I can not be sure, as the machine speaks the truth, he was told by Kenneth Jackson that Annabeth killed Perseus Jackson, but I'd have to hear it directly from Mrs. Du Vel herself," Apollo said.

"Then say it, Annabeth Chase. Did you and Adrien Du Vel kill Perseus Jackson?" Poseidon asked, staring hard at her. The room was tense, the power of the sea god revealing itself in his eyes as waves rose and crashed violently.

"I didn't kill Percy!" Annabeth said confidently. Apollo gritted his teeth. "She is lying." He said.

Percy saw the moment Poseidon's trident flashed to his hand, the moment Athena's eyes widened, the moment all of the other demigods tensed. A blast of power from Poseidon went straight towards the daughter of Athena. "No!" Athena said.

Percy stood there in front of her in seconds, taking the blast. He heard the crunch of his breastplate but it didn't break. His body could easily absorb electricity and fire, but the water didn't leave him as unaffected as it had before Percy became Clockwork. He still could control it, but offensive attacks like the one the angry god of the sea just threw at him were something beyond his control. But maybe even if Percy didn't have the mechanical parts that attack would've still left some damage.

"We have more important matters to deal with than a funeral for a wife, mother, and the camp director," Percy said. His armor was battered, and Annabeth looked at him in disbelief.

"Clockwork is right. Killing her will not solve any problems." Hephaestus said. "She killed a fellow camper, which makes her a murderer," Poseidon said, his hands shaking in anger. "So call your machine off and let her be dealt with accordingly."

"Brother, the demigod will be severely punished, but right now there are some issues that her talents will be useful," Hades said. "Then it's settled. She will be punished after she is rendered as useless. She will be closely supervised, and all positions of authority will be stripped from her." Zeus said. "And I will disown her," Athena said.

Percy looked down on Annabeth who had begun to sob. Her sobs filled the throne room, and Percy straightened his breastplate. "Well now that that's settled..."

That's the end! Shorter than most I know. I hope you enjoyed the part! Until next time,

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