♡24; let's ditch♡

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Suddenly I felt his warm lips on my neck making me gasp.

He continues kissing my neck leaving trails of kisses "sorry I couldn't hold back much longer" he moans into the kisses making my stomach go crazy from the butterflies.

His soft lips kept on kissing me as I stood there in between his hold as he held my waist with his firm hands.

Suddenly I felt a stinging euphoric sensation on my neck making me moan, fuck I never meant to moan out loud.

I quickly put my hands in front of my mouth trying not to make any more noise because of this pleasurable feeling.

His hands let go of my waist and pull my hands of my mouth "I wanna hear you baby, don't cover your mouth" he whispers.

He continues kissing my neck a but longer until he stops.

He grabs my shoulders and turns me around, I could now see he was smiling too.

"Let's ditch" he grins.


"D-ditch what?" I stutter feeling nervous becauase of what just happened.

"The dinner with my hyungs and Minji" he says with a grin.

"Sounds like a pl-.." I couldn't finish my sentence because my eyes were stuck on the mirror on the other side of the room.

I could see the purple bruises on my neck through the mirror making me gasp as I walk closer towards the mirror.

"I-I need to cover them" I say nervously.

"Why?" He asks me innocently as he stood right behind me.

"Be- because the others don't know yet" I say.

To be honest if me and Jungkook were to become a thing it wouldn't be a good idea...I mean some of the fans will get really upset and they might hate on Jungkook.

If something were to happen between me and Jungkook I think we should tell them instead of suprising them with the hickeys on my neck.

"It's okay don't worry" he says reassuringly.

"They won't even notice them" he adds.

"What are we gonna do instead of the dinner?" I ask.

"You'll see" he grins and grabs my hand and starts walking.

He opens the door for us and he starts jogging.

We run past his hyungs towards the door hand in hand.

I saw a glimpse of Namjoon's face and I could see him smiling at us.

"Come back!! Where are you guys going?" Jimin calls out to us making both of us laugh. But we didn't stop running.

We quickly unlocked the door and ran outside out of breath. Don't judge the house is big as fuck of course I'm out of breath.

We both quickly went towards a bush to hide behind it, we both dropped to the floor to catch our breath whilst laughing.

"Omg did you see Jin's face" Jungkook laughs.

"Omg yes, he was shook as fuck" I laugh along.

Suddenly we hear voices, it must be the others walking towards the limo for dinner.

I was really trying my best not to laugh which Jungkook could see so he scooted closer to me and put his hand over my mouth as he was trying to keep quiet too.

"Omg I'm so happy for them, they literally just ditched dinner to spend time together, they are so cutee" I could hear Namjoon say in the distance.

"Yah Namjoon it isn't funny, I wanted to have dinner with everyone and who knows what those kids are planning on doing" Jin says being the responsible person he is making me giggle but Jungkook's hand muffled out the noise so they couldn't hear it but Jungkook could feel it as he was holding his urge back to laugh.

The voices were gone, Jungkook peaked over the bush checking if they were gone yet.

"They're gone" he chuckles.

Just after he said that I licked his hand so he would remove it.

"Yah why did you do that" he laughs pulling his arm away making me laugh too.

He stands up and offers me a hand which a grab. "Let's go" he says cheekily.

I take his hand which he offered out to me and he quickly pulls me up making me fall into his arms.

We were now extremely close, our faces only inches apart. My heartbeat increased a billion times faster than a few seconds ago.

I could feel his breath on my face and I'm pretty sure he can feel mine too.

"Awh you're so cute" he says with a grin making me blush and he leans in and pecks my lips quickly.

His soft lips which just left mine felt amazing which left me craving for more.

But Jungkook being the tease he is turned around and started walking with our hands still connected so I decided to follow.

We were walking for a while now, not many words were exchanged. We were just enjoying each others presence as we held each others hands.

"Are we almost there?" I ask still not knowing where he wanted to take me.

"Nope, why you getting tired?" He chuckles and before I could answer he let go of my hand and stood in front of me.

"Hop on" he says. "Wait what no" I say flustered not knowing what to do.

"Just hop on, pleaseee~" he says with a cute voice which I couldn't resist so I decide to just jump on his back and enjoy the piggy back ride.

A/n: I don't know what happened but somehow lots of people are reading this book and it got #1 in fanfiction.

Like what the hell thank you guys so much. I love all of you.

Oh and I wrote this chapter in class hahaha

Golden ticket//JJK fanfic [completed]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt