♡2; Hello?♡

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"Hello?" I hear a familiar voice say from the other side of the line.

Me and Minji looked at each other with wide eyes when realizing who's voice that was.

"H-hi my name is y/n. Me and my friend Minji won the g-golden ticket" i say with a shaky voice.

"Congratulations! We can't wait to meet you . Where are you from?"

"We are from Seoul" my friend answers for me, the phone was on speaker so we could both talk.

"Wow you guys live in the same city as us, I will text you guys all the details and hopefully we can see each other soon" Namjoon says.

"Sounds like a plan, thank you so so much. We can't wait!!" I say back.

"We can't either, byee" he says and we say bye back. And Namjoon hangs up.

Me and Minji both started crying whilst hugging each other "I can't believe this is true" "me neither" I sob into her chest.

I feel my phone vibrating so I grab it.

Namjoon: Seeing as you guys live so close by would you like to come over to us now to talk about everything.

Y/n: Yes, sound perfect. We would love to come over.

Namjoon: See you guys in an hour?
Our address is: international playboy street 7, Seoul
And please don't share our address or my phone number with anyone other than your friend.

Y/n: Yes of course, see you guys in an hour :))

You turn off your phone and face your friend. Both of you had a massive smile and had never been happier. You guys were finally meeting your favorite idols and it still feels like a dream.

"Lets go to the car and start making our way over" I say to my friend helping her up from the bench.

We got in the car and Minji put in the address.

And we started making our way over to BTS whilst listening to their music.

"Turn to the left and go down the street. Your destination will be on your right" the GPS says.

As we turn round the corner we see a really posh apartment. "That must be it" Minji says excitedly.

We quickly park the car. Once we get out I ask Minji if i look okay, cause we didn't have time to go back home. "You look amazing as always, do I look okay?" she asks. "Yes you always look good" I tell her.

We start making our way towards the apartment both feeling very nervous. I grab her hand "we are going to be alright BTS are nice people, no need to be nervous" I say trying to calm myself and her down. Although I knew it would probably not work.

We are now standing outside of the apartment. "Lets ring the bell together" Minji suggests. We both moved our shaky hands towards the bell and pressed on it at the same time.

"You guys must be the lucky winners of the golden tickets" Jungkook says excitedly over the bell thing melting your heart with his voice.

"Y-yes t-thats us" I reply with a stutter. Feeling the butterflies get even worse in my stomach.

"I will be down in one moment to guide you to our apartment" Jungkook says.

A moment later the door was starting to unlock. I felt so nervous.

The door opened and me and Minji came face to face with the one and only Jungkook and Taehyung.

Me and Minji bow towards them and introduce ourselves "My name is y/n" "and my name is Minji" we both smile.

The boys introduce themselves even though they don't have to and start walking up the stairs guiding us up to their apartment whilst we follow them.

"Y/n is cute" I hear Taehyung whispers to Jungkook. "I know" Jungkook whispers back in a happy voice making a blush creep up onto my face. TAEHYUNG AND JEON FUCKING JUNGKOOK THINK I'M CUTE. I know i wasn't supposed to hear that.... but I did.

Jungkook unlocks the apartment door and him and Tae start taking off their shoes. We step inside and copy them also taking off our shoes.

Whilst I was undoing the lace on my last shoe I felt Minji tug on my sweater wanting me to get up. So I quickly take it off and stand up straight to see 7 boys looking straight at us.

Golden ticket//JJK fanfic [completed]Where stories live. Discover now