Chapter Forty: Plain Happy

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I was slumped over in the chair, begging that this wouldn't be the last time that I was in this school. I was pretty sure that if I got expelled my father would kill me. 

"I expected this from you five. Ms. Steel, I understand this is a trying time for you but acting out will not be tolerated." Principal Henricks looked towards me with a stern glare. I shrank in my seat. There wasn't enough room in his office for all six of us, so we had to take the conversation into the lobby. The receptionist was awful at trying to look like she wasn't listening. 

"She didn't do anything, though!" Ethan exclaimed, throwing his arm out and nearly hitting Zander in the face, who glowered at his younger brother. Jaydon just looked like he was trying to not have a panic attack. I could relate. 

"Calm down, Mr. Steel. If I were you, I'd watch my words very carefully or else you'll be suspended. Again." Principal Henricks warned darkly. I gulped. What did he mean by again? 

"Please, the boys were only trying to help me. People keep bothering me about... Kas and I couldn't handle it and they were trying to protect me." I rushed out, hoping to get everything out in one go. Principal Henricks rubbed his hand over his face.

"Personally, I agree with what happened. The kids need to lay off. But threatening can't go overlooked. Suspension for two days, Mr. Steel." Principal Henricks looked at Kade. "And detention for two weeks for the other Mr. Steel's." Principal Henricks growled. 

For a minute, I almost like him. 

Did detention go on our permanent record?

"Seriously? Two weeks?" Lucas snapped, sinking into his seat. Principal Henricks looked over at me and sighed. His expression told me that I wasn't going to like what was about to come out of his mouth.

"I'm afraid you'll have to join them, Ms. Steel, but for three weeks." He said, causing an uproar. While I sat back in shock the boys jumped to my defense. They were yelling about how it wasn't fair to punish me for their mistakes, how I was completely innocent. It was sweet but it wasn't making any headway.

"It's alright. I'll just do my time." I whispered. The boys all quieted, except for the occasional grumble. Kade narrowed his eyes, but simply nodded. He was trying to not get on my bad side more than he had already. 

Oh, yeah, I was super dee-duper mad at the boys. It was all fun and games (For me anyways. Everyone else seemed terrified) until we got in trouble. And here we were. In trouble. 

"Alright. I'll call your mother. Ms. Steel, if you'll come with me?" Principal Henricks asked, motioning me towards his office. I followed with a confused glance back at my older brothers, who all looked a little worried about me. 

I sat down in the soft office chair in front of Principal Lee Henricks desk. Yeah, I was gonna start calling him Mr. Lee. Principal Henricks took too much effort to think over and over again. 

Mr. Lee started speaking immediately. 

"Ms. Steel, I have a proposition for you." I nodded for him to continue. In all honesty, I was intrigued. Nothing like that had ever happened to me before. 

"What's that?" I asked, sounding a lot more confident than I felt. What if he tried to hurt me? I almost laughed at that thought. Firstly, the boys would beat him halfway to death. Secondly, Lila would have him put in jail for the rest of his life. 

There was nothing Lila couldn't do. 

"The boys have a tendency to get into fights around campus. Whether it be someone being a jerk, someone pushing Jaydon around, someone saying something bad about Mrs. Steel, or, more recently, someone saying something bad about you. And the fights are starting to stain the school's reputation. From what I just saw in there, the boys would gladly stop fighting and even talking if it would make you happy." He said, making no move to continue. I thought about it for a minute. 

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