Chapter 17

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If Allah Subhana watahaalah has written that you marry him/her, then you will marry him/her no matter what. And if Allah Subhana watahaalah willed that you don't marry him/her, then you simply wont. Trust Him. He knows what's best for you.


"For Allah's sake Rida not today." Safa pleaded looking at the dress Rida had worn. Rida looked down at her dress and smiled sheepishly at Safa while Faiza and Safa glared at the girl standing in front of them who was wearing black.

"But I love this dress." Rida pouted while twirling around making both the girls to sigh deeply.

Rida was decked up in a complete Indian attire. She was wearing a black coloured chudidar that reached just above her ankle. It was kind of an umbrella dress that had a flared end while the length at the back was a little longer compared to the front. Her full sleeves were completely in lace making the dress look more attractive and to add up to the attire, she had worn a black coloured pearl hijab with which she was very comfortable.

"At least change the hijab?" Safa asked but Rida shook her head explaining how she felt very comfortable the way she was at the moment.

"I don't know how to change your mind." Safa said and Rida grinning widely, putting on her dupatta on her left side before speaking,

"Don't trouble yourself because of me. Leave me on my own." She said and after ordering Faiza to get ready she headed down with Safa behind her, who constantly kept nagging her from behind only to make Rida to giggle at her tactics.

"Mom, any help that you need?" Rida asked when she saw her mom preparing a sweet dish, kheer, and her mom looked up with a smile that instantly vanished when she saw her daughter's clothing.

"Not you too mom, please." Rida said folding her hands in front of her, when she saw her mother open her mouth.

"I tried my best aunty, but she wouldn't listen to me." Safa said taking a seat on the dining table while talking to Mrs Shaikh who looked disappointed at her daughter but did not utter a word.

Rida glanced at the clock that was in the dining room and she felt her heart taking speed. It was almost time for Kaif and his family to be here. She thought that what if they came to know about her decision from her parents, so will they do the engagement today itself? She did not know what would happen but she was already getting nervous.

"Chill." Safa said squeezing her shoulder giving her a reassurance smile as if reading her mind and Rida's frown vanished while she smiled at her.

The door bell rang and her mom started completing her work telling the girls to open the door and let the guest in. Safa turned and walked to the door to open them while Rida peeped through the dining table to see them.

"Assalamualaikum." Safa greeted and Rida moved a little ahead to see that it was not the family they were expecting but Saif. She started walking towards Saif with a smile on her face to greet him but stopped dead in her track when she realised that he wasn't alone, but rather there was someone in particular she did not wished to see at the moment.

"How are you?" Saif asked Safa but before she could answer, they heard the honk of a car. Saif and Rehan turned to notice that Kaif's family had arrived too. They both waited while Saif asked Safa to go inside while he would welcome them.

Safa turned around to see Rida at the same spot she had stopped, her gaze still fixed on Rehan who hadn't noticed her yet.

"Rida they are here." Safa said and that brought Rida out of her trance and she hurried inside. Rida saw her parents walk out to welcome the guest while Faiza, now stood besides her looking fresh.

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