Chapter 10

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Dedicating the chapter to user93283711 Jazakillah Khairan khair dear for the all votes and your sweet wordsss!!!!!

And Jazakillah khairan khair everyone for your immense support!!!! You all the one who keeps me motivated to write!!!! Thank you so muchhh!!!

I hope you all enjoy this short chapterrrr and leave me lots of votes and comments!!!


Abu Huraira reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “Verily, when the servant commits a sin, a black mark appears upon his heart. If he abandons the sin, seeks forgiveness, and repents, then his heart will be polished. If he returns to the sin, the blackness will be increased until it overcomes his heart. It is the covering that Allah has mentioned: No, rather a covering is over their hearts from what they have earned.” (83:14)

Source: Sunan al-Tirmidhī 3334

Grade: Sahih (authentic) according to Al-Suyuti


How would you feel if the person who was miles away and you had no hopes of seeing them for a few years was right in front of you? Rida couldn't help the excitement and the happiness that was clear on her face. She did not had the slightest idea that Rehan would be back! She walked back to the girls smiling, who were busy clicking pictures when her eyes fell on Safa who was smirking at her. She narrowed her eyes at her and walked towards her and crossed her arms on her chest.

"You knew right he would be coming?" Rida whispered questioned to Safa not wanting anyone else to hear to their conversation.

Safa smiled at Rida and shook her explaining what all happened. Rida was surprised that Rehan had informed none of them that he was coming. On hearing this, she got a little worried, hoping that everything was perfectly fine with his work in London. She asked if Rehan had mentioned anything going wrong but Safa just shrugged her shoulder. Rida now looked behind Safa lost in her thoughts when Aafia called out to her. They looked in her direction to see her calling them to click pictures.

Aafia had seen Rida and Rehan meeting and she was also surprised to see him here. She was little hurt that Rida hadn't informed her about it and was now talking to Safa privately.

The girls walked too Aafia and as they were clicking pictures, Faiza walked in between them saying that they were being called. All the girls walked in while Aafia, Safa and Rida were the last one to enter.

"Did he just leave his work there?" Rida questioned Safa and she rolled her eyes while Aafia looked at the both of them.

"What's the matter?" Aafia asked when she saw the frown lines of Rida's face. She looked at Safa who was face palming herself.

"Rehan is back from London but he did not inform anyone so this lady thinks that they is some problem." Safa explained to Aafia and she looked at Rida who was biting her nails.

"He might have just come to meet everyone. Insha Allah, nothing will be wrong." Aafia said and Rida smiled at her before murmuring an 'Insha Allah'.

They walked inside and Rida found her mother talking to a lady. She walked towards them to see Faiza and Farheen engrossed in talking a few steps away from her mother. She pinched Faiza on her hand and scooted away from her sticking her tongue out at her sister who was hissing. She was about to call out her mother when she heard the lady talking something about marriage. She did not wanted to eardrops but the lady was loud enough that Rida could hear her even after standing a little away from them.

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