Chapter 28

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Narrator's POV

"How could you be so stupid?!" Robert groaned angrily, interrogating his daughter and ... could you even call him his son in law?

"I expected better from you." He eyed his daughter, feeling more disappointed rather than angry. "Both of you." He turned to Hayes with the same look, making him bow his head in shame.

Savannah fiddled with her fingers nervously before speaking up. "It was made nearly a year ago." She began, making the awfully disappointed parents turn their attention to her.

"Hayes came to me one night after I had finished my shift at the hospital. He explained to me what had happened between him and Joseph about the company." She began to explain, feeling more guilty the more she spoke.

"Then I found out about Liz's cancer." Savannah looked over to Elizabeth, her guts turning as she looked at her apologetically.

"If you're going to blame anyone, blame me." Hayes spoke up, making everone turn to him. "I made the contract, I made the mistake. Savannah just played along with it." He huffed, biting his lip.

There was a dead silence. You could hear a pin drop. That was until Elizabeth spoke towards Hayes. "Why? Why did you do it?" He didn't know how to answer as he gazed down, shameful tears threatening to drop.

"Because I wanted to prove I was worthy of keeping the company." He admitted, forcing himself to look towards his mother. "If I could prove to you I was capable and somewhat responsible of holding down a relationship other than going off with different girls and acting recklessly, that I wouldn't loose the one thing I have tried so hard to keep going."

Joseph's head shook in shame. "I expected better from you, Hayes." That seemed to snap something within Hayes as he stood from his chair, ready to charge at Joseph. Savannah quickly stood to her feet, ignoring the dizzy feeling that came over her as she stood in front of Hayes.

"Please." She whispered with hopeful eyes, making Hayes look down to her. It was like he was having an inner battle with himself before he let out a defeated sigh, sitting back down. "I expected better from you to be a father, but I guess not everyone gets what they need." Hayes' words hit home as Joseph's jaw clenched. "You little-" Elizabeth came towards him, holding out her arm to stop him from going any further.

"I think you should leave." She spoke sternly. He walked out, slamming the door before Elizabeth turned to her son once more before muttering, "continue".

"I wanted to give you that piece of mind that if-" Hayes paused while speaking to his mother as his emotions over rided him. "If you were no longer here.." He swallowed a lump in his throat, tears threatening to fall. "That you would know that at all your son's would be okay. Coltons settled in a marriage with kids, Chase is with his girlfriend which he seems to be doing okay with and me.... " he paused, looking directly to Elizabeth as a tear fell down his cheek.

"I'll have nothing." He whispered, making Elizabeth choke out a sob. He reached over the table, grasping his mother's hand into his as he placed a kiss on her knuckles, hoping she would forgive him.

"And you went along with it?" Issabella asked, looking at her daughter with so many emotions, she didn't know what to feel. "I knew how much it meant to Hayes, and I knew it meant more to Elizabeth." She whispered, sending them a sad smile.

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