Chapter 3

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Savannah's POV

I sat in the break room, staring into space. I almost never heard the door open if it wasn't for Melissa walking in and laughing.

"What did that salad ever do to you?" I grew confused at her words until I looked down and saw the chicken and lettuce all mushed as I had never minded to eat it. "Shit." I mumbled, zoning back into reality.

"What's up with you? You've been acting weird all day." Melissa sat beside me, taking a bite of her freshly made sandwich from the cafeteria. "I met Hayes yesterday." I revealed as she gasped in shock. "Really? Did you two make up? Are we gonna expect mini Calloways soon?" She grew excited as I through a piece of lettuce at her.

"Fuck no. Never. Not a chance in hell."
I instantly ranted. "Then why did Hayes show up?" She asked confused. "He wants me to agree to a...." How was I suppose to tell her without actually telling her? " deal?"  I said, sounding like more of a question than a statement.

"What kind of business deal?" Why couldn't she not ask questions. "It's a confidential deal." And then it hit me. This would be released to the press. It would be all over the media. Shit. I can't let this happen.

"Excuse me for a minute." I ran outside the break room and quickly dialled Hayes who surprisingly, immediately picked up. "Hayes, I need to talk to you." I rush. "Same here. I was just about to call. I've arranged dinner with my parents tonight. I informed them about us. They're excited to see you again. My mum hasn't stopped all day talking about you." He chuckled.

My heart warmed. I somewhat missed Elizabeth and Joseph. They were my second family at some point. Hearing that Elizabeth wanted to see me, made me happy. Knowing I wouldn't be treated as the bitter ex girlfriend made things a whole load easier for the meet, but a whole load harder to turn down the dinner.

"What did you need to tell me?" He asked, snapping me from my thoughts. "I haven't exactly agreed to this business deal yet." I bit my lip, hearing him go silent. "Please Sav. I know me coming to you out of the blue after a years time is a lot to take in. And with the history we have, I'm probably way over the mark for asking so much of you. But you don't know what you would be doing for me if you said yes." As he rambled on with his speech, I couldn't help but feel sorry for him.

"Umm what time shall I be ready for?" Damnit. I mentally kicked myself for caving in. "Dinners at 7. I'll pick you up from work. What time does your shift end?" He asked. "I get off at 5 today." I inwardly curse at myself and ask why I agreed.

"Great. I'll see you later." I never bothered to reply and returned to the break room, slumping on the chair. "What did Mr Hunk want?" Melissa teased as I gave her evil eyes. "To tell me we have dinner plans with his parents." I huff, banging my head on the table.

"Ohh first date is it?" She wolf whistle resulting in my fist colliding with her arm. "It ain't funny." I huffed.

For the remainder of my shift, I was constantly teased by Melissa about the dinner and eventually, 5 o'clock rolled round and I was able to get away from Melissa's teasing and leave the hospital.

As expected, Hayes was waiting in the car park, leaning against the car. Once his eyes landed on me, he reached to the handle on the door, holding it open for me as I silently thanked him.

One we were on the road, Hayes spoke up. "Now what was the real reason you called me today?" He side eyed me. "To ask when dinner was." I played it off. "Sav, I know you. And you're not the best liar." He chuckled, taking a right turn.

"When you said it's a confidential agreement, you meant just between us, right?" I asked, hoping he'd agree with my words. "Right. But I can't prevent people finding out. When you're in the industry that I'm in, secrets aren't kept as secrets for long. You should know that." He pointed out.

True. When we first started dating, we were lucky to have 6 normal days before we were seen out in public.

"I haven't even agreed to the deal yet, you know." I muttered, looking out of the window.

"You can back out now. I'll take you home and I'll call the dinner off. I'm not forcing you into this." He said sincerely.

"What's in it for me?" I pushed. "Whatever you want." He smiled, pulling into my street.

Soon we arrived at my place so I could quickly change into a lot formal attire and 40 minutes later, I was walking through the doors of the Calloway house hold as the girlfriend of Hayes Calloway.

Could this day get any worse?

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