Chapter 19

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After the wedding we left Beck with my mom and were on our way to the airport to go on our honeymoon.

I had no say in where our honeymoon was because Derek had planned it all and wanted to keep it a surprise.

"Will you please tell me where we are going?" I whined to Derek, who sat beside me in the back of the SUV that he had rented.

He chuckled and placed his hand on my thigh. "No." He said smoothly with a smirk. I pouted and pretended I was mad by turning and looking out of my window.

He poked my cheek, trying to get my attention. Then again. And again. I was trying my hardest to hold back a smile but was failing miserably, so I turned by body more so that he couldn't see my face.

"You know, I can see you smiling in the reflection of the window." He laughed. I smiled and turned back to him. "Dang it, you caught me." He smiled and reached out, taking my hands in his.

He lightly pulled me towards him and kissed me softly. "My beautiful wife." He mumbled against my lips.

Getting lost in the kiss, we hadn't noticed that we had arrived to Derek's private plane. Well, our private plane.

Derek pulled away first and smiled widely as we parted. "Ladies first." He gestured towards my door that had just opened. I scooted out of the back of the car and stood outside as I waited for Derek. When he finally got out, he held his hand out to me, which I gladly took in my own.

We happily got onto the fancy private jet and I was in awe. I had never been on an airplane before but this was way nicer than anything I had ever seen before.

I gasped as I stepped through the doorway and saw a beautiful, modern gray and white area that could easily be lived in without ever leaving. "Wow. This is beautiful." I gasped.

"It pales in comparison to the beauty standing in front of me." Derek's arms wrapped around my waist from behind me as he spoke softly into my ear.

Smiling softly, I turned my head slightly to look at the side of his face. "Is that so?" I asked seductively.

He chuckled gruffly and began kissing and biting at the flesh on my neck. "Mhm, and she's all mine." I turned around in his arms and pulled him to the couch that was on the left of us. He laid me down before getting off of me and holding a finger up. He walked over to a phone on the wall and turned his back to me before saying something quietly that I couldn't quite hear. When he finished he hung up the phone and walked back over to me.

"What was that?" I asked him as he climbed on top of me.

He pulled his shirt over his head and smirked, "I told the captain not to interrupt us during our flight and to announce when we are getting close to our destination over the speaker."

Knowing exactly what that meant, I wrapped my arm around his neck and brought his mouth down to mine in a sweet kiss.

By the time we had arrived to our honeymoon spot, we were exhausted but thrilled.

"We will be landing at our destination in 5 minutes." The pilots mature voice came over the loudspeaker.

My head was resting on Derek's bare chest as I laid on top of him on the narrow couch, which was surprisingly comfortable.

"Babe, we've got to get dressed now. We're about to land." I sat up and clutched the throw blanket that was on top of us, to my chest and other parts.

Derek's arms wrapped around my torso and brought me back down on top of him. "Derek! Come on! We gotta get up! We'll have plenty of time to do more of this in our hotel room!" I giggled as I tried to wiggle out of his grasp.

He whined loudly before sighing and letting go of me. "Fine." I took the opportunity and got up, trying to quickly put on my clothes before dropping the blanket.

I glanced over to Derek as I bent down to pull up my shorts. He was still laying down, watching me get dressed.

I growled angrily and gave him the look. "Get up and get dressed or we will never do this again." I threatened as I pointed my finger at him.

He smirked and sat up. "Have sex or have sex on a plane?" He questioned playfully.

Scrunching my eyebrows together in a menacing way, I said lowly but playfully, "Both."

Over exaggerating by a mile, he placed his hand over his chest and feigned hurt. "You'd do that to your husband?" He pretended to wipe away fake tears and got up, starting to get dressed.

"I will if my husband won't listen to me." I joked. I brushed my hair back with my hands the best that I could, given the birds nest that was sitting on my head.

"Ouch." He chuckled as he pulled on his pants and shirt.

I looked out the window closest to me and saw that we were finally descending into a dark city that was lit up beautifully.

"Will you tell me where we are now that we're here?" I asked Derek, who was finally dressed.

He shook his head and mumbled, "impatient much?" Before clearing his throat when I glared at him.

"Welcome to Bora-Bora, my beautiful wife."

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