Chapter 5

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As he tried to explain why he took me, my mind was reeling with this new information.

“I kidnapped you because of some people I am involved with.” He started.

“Who?” I asked, curiosity getting the better of me.

“I come from a family of wealth, correct?” I nodded, “Well, my family only got that wealth because of the gang that they run.”

My mouth dropped. I was filled with horror. This man, my kidnapper, my boss, kidnapped me because his family is in a gang, but where do i fit into this?

“Why did you take me though?” I ask, wishing for him to get to the point.

“Patience. I’m getting to that.”

“Anyways, i was raised to become the leader, and was taught to never respect a woman, that they were just merely things to hit and screw, then tossed to the side, and for as long as i can remember, i did just that.”

“You still do it.” I retorted. Just a little while ago he hit me, punched actually.

“Yes, but at least I didn’t rape you.” He said, looking at his hands instead of at me.

Tears flooded my eyes, “Have you d-done it to o-other g-girls?” I asked, my voice shaky.

He must have sensed that i was about to cry because he looked up at me, his blue eyes staring into mine.  

He opened his mouth to answer but closed it, giving me a devastating answer.

“You have.” Tears fell down my cheeks faster than I could wipe them.

“Yes, I have, but, i regret it. So so so much. I wish i could take it back but i cannot.” Tears filled his eyes and for the first time since he took me or hit me, i saw regret. He quickly looked down, probably hoping I didn’t see it.  

“So why am I here?” I asked, wanting answers.

“I’m trying to protect you.” he mumbled.  

“Bullshit. Protect me from what?”

He looked up at me, “From your own father.”

“So you just abduct me? I don’t even know my father.”

“Not exactly, but he knows you. He’s been watching you since you were born.” I stared at him confused.

“When you were still in your mother's stomach, he sold you to human trafficking, but only if they let you grow to a certain age.” My brain hurt, trying to think of reasons for him to lie to me, of why he would kidnap me, but i couldn’t come up with anything, except that he was crazy.

“No. You’re lying. ” I denied whatever he told me. Of course he would lie to me so if i get away i wont rat him out.

“What reason do I have to lie?” He looked up at me with squinted eyes.

“Hmm, Maybe because YOU KIDNAPPED ME?” I yelled at him, throwing whatever was closest to me, which happened to be the plate i had just eaten off of. The plate missed his head but hit the wall behind him with a thump as it shattered to pieces onto the couch. His eyes glazed over with anger.

“Did you just throw that at my head?” He asked in a scary calm tone.

I gulped, “Maybe if you weren’t such an asshole i wouldn’t have.” I spoke, my voice shaking as much as my body was.

“Im not an asshole!” He yelled at me as he stood to his feet, and in two long strides made his way over to me, grabbing me by the arms, he pushed his face inches away from mine.

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