Chapter Eleven, Part Three - Monsters Within

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Suddenly overcome by a pervading sense of weakness, I admit, I contemplated the offer.

"Our family – we are the last of the High Fae. But for us, there would be none left. Before he escaped, the Sorcerer stole something that was very precious to us. A certain weapon – one of the very few that has the power to destroy us – has been in his possession for quite some time now, and it must be returned. With it, he is even more dangerous. With it... he could kill you."

"But he hasn't," I grimly countered, realizing that she must have been referring to another Blade of Woe. 

"Rest assured – in the end, he will be your downfall."

"Well, he's not the one threatening to kill me, now is he?"

Titania gave yet another, deep sigh.

"No one understands how hard it is to be Queen," she said hopelessly sort of voice. "I thought that bringing you here would open you up to our ways. I would love nothing more for you to rule beside me in the Dark Court. Together, there is so very much that we would accomplish – so much that we could do..."

"After what I've seen tonight... I will never join the Unseelie."

"Stupid girl. Then your only hope lies with the Light Court. Under Oberon's protection you could avoid execution of course. But be warned, the only person fairer than my late, beloved sister is my brother. I wouldn't be so sure that he would spare you."

If ever there were a rock and a hard place, I had most certainly landed myself in the most impossible one of all.

"Rettrick!" called out the Ice Queen, taking me by surprise. I jumped as her servant materialized in a corner of the room, looking guiltier than a dog. Glumly, I wondered if he hadn't been standing there all along.

"Rettrick, come forth my darling. Your assistance is required."

Rettrick took several, careful, nervous steps forward until he was standing at his mistress' side.

"Tamsin, for fifty long years, have the Fae of the Otherworld hoped and prayed for your safe return. And now, disappointedly, here you are, not only a traitor, but completely disrespectful of laws and traditions. And because of that, you are dangerous – dangerous enough to corrupt one of my own.

Rettrick and I shared exchanged uneasy glances.

"You may be family, Tamsin, but I tolerate your existence only because you have the power to make it that much easier for me to find Westley. But once that truth ceases to exist, my love for you will offer very little protection. You are already doomed, and yet you would also take one innocent life to damnation with you."

Titania turned in her seat to look up at her faithful servant.

"But there is still hope for you, Rettrick. You have not yet perjured yourself as she has. Do you recant your moment of weakness? The one you accrued with my niece in my absence?"

"I-I-I recant it. I swear it your Highness!"

Rettrick began to shake, miserably twisting his hands.

"Wonderful. I can't begin to express my relief."

And before my very eyes I watched as the Ice Queen reached out as if touch Rettrick, but instead she stopped short. Her fingers curled inwards and her black, painted nails reminded me of a raven's talons. And odd blue light began to flow from her hands and I watched Titania's face screw into a horrible mask of delight.

In the places that the blue light hit Rettrick's body, jagged ice began to form. With a horror that mirrored my own, he cried out, his eyes round and white with terror as the ice began to spread.

Knocking back my chair I stood to my feet, watching him freeze, and knowing there wasn't a damn thing I could do to stop it. She was killing Rettrick – and it was all my fault.

"You evil hag," I uttered in a deep, harsh voice. "You had no reason to do that –"

"Oh, but didn't I?" was her calm, unblinking reply. "Did you not attempt to poison his mind? To turn him against me? You may not know this, my dear, but I have eyes all over this palace – I quite literally see all. Besides, he'll thaw in a couple of hours," she assured. "I would never destroy my favorite pet – he really is such a sweet-tempered little thing."

At the idea of her torturing Rettrick out of mere enjoyment, I extended my arms in a sudden fit of rage and forced several platters and dishes to the ground. They fell to the floor with a great crash and tinkling that provided a satisfaction I hadn't felt in quite some time.

"You're a monster,"

"And what does that make you?" she hissed back, standing now too, her own face contorted by a scowl. "You are Fae – living in the Human Realm and masking as one of them, like a wolf in sheep's clothing." Slowly, she began to circle the table. "You pretend to be innocent and yet, you knowingly subject the Humans to your power, forcing them to reveal all their most terrible, intimate truths. Tell me..." she said, leaning in close until her breath was cold against my neck. "Is that not conduct befitting of a fellow monster?"

Shaking with both fear and anger, I felt no relief when she passed me. There was only the quiet rustling sound of her skirts – a sound that I suddenly no longer found beautiful.

"Don't worry," continued Titania's voice from behind me. "You don't have to admit your guilt – it's written all over your poor, beautiful face. You don't belong with the Humans any more than you belong here, in the Otherworld. And, deep down, I think you know as well as I that sadly, any hope you have for true redemption... is through death."

With sadness, I tore my gaze from Rettrick's frozen form and turned to address the Ice Queen.

"You've got it backwards," I blankly announced, looking her in her cold, deadened eyes. "If I chose death, it would be because I don't accept your forgiveness. That's how little it means to me."

"Truly, it does hurt to hear you say that," she quietly replied, looking sincerely disappointed. "And for the sake of my sister's memory, I shall... pretend as if you never said it. "However, I would remind you that I, unlike Westley, remain your ally. I offer you one last chance, to put down this foolish attempt to protect a man who cannot be saved. Instead, save yourself, and then choose a Court."

Slowly, I shook my head.

"I reveal to you one more truth," she said firmly. "You were an only child, Tamsyn, which means you, above all, can one day inherit the throne of whichever court you so choose. Join the Seelie – you're much better suited for their side – and Oberon will only rule until you come of age. Then, you can take his place and we can rule all of Otherworld – together."

"But aren't you afraid that I might change my mind and choose the Unseelie instead?" I replied, feeling as dark as the look that I cast her.

"No, I am not," she reassured with a smile, striding forward to cover the distance between us. "I'm afraid you could never rule the Dark Fae, my dear. You don't have the stomach for it."

"Send me home," I said bitterly.

"As you wish," she replied with a smirk, and pressed two cold fingers to my forehead, causing the surroundings to disappear in a bright flash of white light.

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