Chapter Ten, Part One - Welcome to the Dark Side

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Chapter Ten

Welcome to the Dark Side  

Cheerleading practice was held in the gym that afternoon. Coach Ashby had left a note in the locker room for us girls to assemble on the bleachers, and as we awaited her arrival I listened to the soft whispers of the other girls. Some of them spoke of Dean, trying to hide their mutters behind their hands but I could tell from the glances in my direction that my name was also included in the conversation. But I didn't care. All I could think about was Dean's locker, and how every time I had passed it there were more and more cards, tea lights, teddy-bears and flowers stacked against it. It was a constant reminder that he was really gone. And a constant reminder that in his most painful hour, I hadn't been there for him.

            "Good afternoon ladies," Coach Ashby called out, entering the gym from the double doors. She came striding up, holding a clip-board in her usual business-like manner. But something about her face and red-rimmed eyes made her appear a little softer.

            "Due to recent events, the Fall Fest game will now be held on Saturday – that way, anyway who wants to attend Dean Taylor's memorial service can do so – "

            "His funeral is Friday?" Asked a girl sitting in the front row.

            "Yes," Coach replied. "I don't know what time, but it'll be held at the big church on Monroe. The family says anyone who wants to attend is more than welcome."

            With a pang, I thought of Mr. and Mrs. Taylor, realizing I hadn't even considered how they were coping with the loss of their son. Feeling even more culpability, I wondered if they had tried to call or text me – if they had I wouldn't have known. I'd been unable to even look at my phone since I'd heard the terrible news. Dean's voicemail was still there, waiting, but I couldn't bring myself to listen to it. So that morning I had chosen to leave it at home – a place where it couldn't torture me.

            "Also, we need more volunteers for Fall Fest this Saturday – it'll be even busier this weekend with the game being rescheduled. Coach Dallas was bragging that all his football players have volunteered to help out, but we're still short on bodies. So, do I have any volunteers? Before I have to start voluntelling?"

            Silence reigned as Coach Ashby raised an eyebrow and gazed expectantly at her girls. It was no secret that the cheerleaders rarely ever volunteered for Fall Fest. Using the day to prepare for the Fall Dance was usually much more appealing.

            "That's so not fair! The guys are only volunteering cuz they feel bad that Dean's –"

            Kat Foster put an elbow in Jerry Shoeller's side, successfully cutting off the girl's whisper. But that didn't stop me from shooting Jerry a strong, silent glare.

            "I'll volunteer," I said, the first to raise my hand.

            "Thank you, Tamsyn," Coach Ashby said, pausing to give me a grateful smile before turning back to the others. "I need five more girls – who's it gonna be? C'mon ladies, we haven't got all day. That mile will still be waiting no matter how late we get done with this."

            There were several groans and grumbles issued at the knowledge that we would be running a mile, and the struggle was real as I refrained from rolling my eyes. Running a mile every practice was nothing new. We'd been doing it since school started – hello.

            Coach Ashby obtained her five other volunteers and when that was done she dismissed us, informing us that she would be waiting on the field when we were done. I made my way down the bleachers, alone, but Coach Ashby flagged me down as I passed.

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