Chapter 21

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Dawson's POV

It's Monday and all I want to do is be at practice.
Somehow me and Cole's breakup was already the talk of the school and the moment I walked through the doors all eyes where on me.
"Hey why is everyone staring" I ask Val who's beside me.
"I'm not sure" we walk to my locker and Cole is across the hallway he sees me and smiles so I wave.
"Are you not gonna go say hi to him"
I completely forgot to tell val about the break up
"Val there's something I got to tell you" but before I can get a word out Alice jumps between us and practically screams in my face.
"So it's true you and Cole are done?" I just rolled my eyes and ignored her.
"I'm sorry what?" Val is clearly shocked.
"I was about to tell you but ya we broke up" I calmly say. Val grabs my hand and pulls me down the hall way leaving Alice standing by our lockers alone. She pulls me into the bathroom and before she speaks she check the stalls to make sure we are alone.
"When did this happen and why are you acting so fine" she questions
"Over the weekend and it was a mutual thing between us and we both knew it was time to end it"
She's still shocked
"I just don't understand, wait is there someone else?" I'm a little taken aback by the question but quickly recover and say a smooth lie
"Nope nobody is was just that we weren't in love anymore and we both knew it so we decided to be friends." I'm not sure if she believed me but if she didn't she didn't say anything.
"Ok well if you need me I'm here" she gave me a side hug and left the bathroom.
The rest of the school day went like this morning, everyone staring and talking about me. During lunch it got even worse sometimes I choose to sit with a group of friends and Cole is in that group. I just sat down right next to him and we both acted normal just like friends as if nothing even happened but everyone else just kept staring not understanding how we where being so civil.
After school ended it was time for practice and I was more than ready to just play lacrosse for a few hours.
The main thing I love about my school is that our field is on the far side of school and all the other sports are nowhere near us so I don't have to worry about anyone not on the team gawking at me.
I walk to our field and see a few other girls in front of me. I have my headphones in at full volume so nobody on the team tries to talk to me before practice starts. As I get closer to the field I see some sort of commotion happening and take my headphones off only to hear a bunch of the girls shouting and cursing mainly Alice. I finally get to them and see what it's all about.
Our mascot is the Trojans and unfortunately there is also a condom brand with the same name.
Our side of the bleachers what covered in Condoms everywhere. And a life size mannequin with lingerie
A Trojan helmet and girl lacrosse stick standing in the middle with washable chalk written on the track
'Vella is trash'
If I wasn't team captain and a student at Vella I'd probably of laughed but I can't I have to be pissed like everyone else.
"I'm gonna kill them when they get here" Alice screeched. Why would Reef do this I thought our teams could just be civil.
"Nobody is fighting anybody" I clearly state
Everyone stared at me in disbelief. This was very out of character for me.
"But Cap they did this we need to get them back" I knew she was right but I had no clue what we could do I had to start thinking of a plan
"I didn't say we weren't gonna get them back, I said no fighting! I don't need players suspended or even expelled in the middle of season" I got a few smiles from the team.
"So then what's the plan" Val who stood beside me now asked curiously.
"Don't worry it will be good, but for now clean this up and let's get to practice" I demanded of my team
As the girls began cleaning Reefs bus pulled up and a few cars. The team began walking on the field and one by one when they saw our side of the field began laughing, soon the whole Reef team was laughing their asses off. That royally pissed me off but I couldn't start a fight not after what I just told my girls. As I watched their team my eyes scanned them looking for the girl who could make my heart beat a million beats per minute and after a few seconds my eyes landed on her only to realize she was looking straight back at me.
"I'm sorry" she mouthed to me and at first I didn't understand what she was talking about and then I remembered the prank. By just looking at her I somehow forgot about everything I was mad about. After a few too many seconds of staring I had to get back to me team. Reef had eventually stopped laughing and began practicing too.
There where a few close call fights between our team but I managed to shut them down.
Every so often I'd find myself staring at Karter and I'd catch her doing the same. After 2 hours of just playing lacrosse and seeing Karter I felt better already and was excited to be able to talk with her. The Reef team finished up and started leaving so I told my team to do the same and that we would come up with something good to do to them soon, they all liked the plan except Alice all she did what glare and stomp away.
When everyone was gone I packed up and left the empty field. I walked to my car looking around for Karter but didn't see her anywhere I got confused and thought maybe she left until I saw a note on my car window.
'Meet in bathroom -k'
I put my stuff in my car and practically ran to the bathroom.
"Hey Dawson" there she was sitting on the counter just watching me. I was honestly a little out of breath and I wasn't sure if it was from running or being this close to Karter after this few days.
"Hey..." it was awkwardly silent for a few moments before she hopped off the counter now being even closer to me.
"So how did you weekend go?" She looked a little worried.
"Great actually! I do have some stuff to tell you, and you have some stuff to tell me too" she looked even more worried now.
"Ok what's up?"
"Well first I was able to work everything out with my brother and Val we are all good now and i even studied some." I wanted to tell her about Cole but I didn't know how to get it out.
"Oh okk that's good, was that all?" Playing with her hands staring down shes backed up a little.
"No I also umm... well..... I... me and Cole broke up!" I finally manage to say. She looked straight at me with shock and a hint of a smile.
"Wow!" She turned around away from me and sort of paced the bathroom.
"Wow!" She says again.
"Karter please stop pacing"
She stops and just stares at me.
"I just didn't think you where gonna a do it. I mean not really" her smile growing a bit.
"I told you I would talk to him and I did and it just kind of seemed like the right thing to do" all she could do was nod her head.
"I do have a question for you though" I ask her
"Are you into Dylan? Cause he's my best friend and if you like him I just i..." she cuts me off before I could finish my sentence
"What? No he's just a friend! At first I thought maybe but I know that the only reason I even texted him back was because I was trying to forget............well you" I was majorly relieved. Yes I felt bad for Dylan cause I know he likes her but still I don't really feel like losing Karter to anybody.
"Soo?" Both of us at a loss for words not knowing what comes next. Silence took over and I think we both couldn't take it anymore because after a few seconds we both jumped towards each other connecting lips and roaming hands. This kiss wasn't slow but it still had just as much passion. Neither of us breaking for air. My hands found their way under her shirt feeling her skin trying to pull her as close as humanly possible, while her hands continued roaming my body, first around my neck then snaking around my waist. Both our tongues now fighting for dominance while I manage to press he against the wall. Both of us needed I could feel it but if we didn't stop now we where gonna go to far to fast in a public bathroom and I don't want this to be where we first have sex, assuming we do, because after this I hope we do, and shit now all I can think about is sex with Karter.
I pull away and lay my forehead against her both of us struggling for air.
"That was"
"Amazing" I finish for her
I pull away a bit more to be able to see all of her. I then start laughing.
"What's so funny" she asks me now laughing a little bit herself.
"If where to tell me I would be kissing a coral reef lax player who is a GIRL in the beginning of this year I probably would have died of disbelief" she laughed now too.
"By the way condoms really?"
I bring up the prank
"I'm so sorry about that but yes I did know about it and was there when it happened but they where going to do much worse I got them to tone it down and just do this" I wasn't mad, now that I was with Karter I found it a little funny.
"Your not mad" she asks
"No not really but my team is furious and demand a retaliation" she just sighed
"I knew this was gonna lead to a prank war I just hoped it wouldn't" I grabbed her hand and pulled her with me out of the bathroom and to my car.
"Look whatever happens between the teams has nothing to do with us ok?" I try to get her to see that even if the teams prank one another it's not because of her at all it's just the rivalry.
"I know I'm just not ready for all the pranks that are about to happen" I smile at her
"Damn right your not cause what we got planned is goooood" i get in my car and so does she.
"Ya okkk" she mocks me
"I'm serious" I try to look serious but fail.
"Whatever my teams pranks are so gonna woop your teams pranks" she tries to sound tough.
"Didn't you know I'm an evil bitch I got pranking in my blood" she smacks my arm.
"What?!" I half giggle shout at her.
"Don't call yourself that" now she really did seem serious.
"Ok ok , so where too?"
"Library for some studying" she claps her hands
"Yay! NOT"
I start the car with a smile on my face and Karter beside me.



"What the actual Fuck!"

// if there is any typos please lmk cause whenever I read it through I can't find them and it would be much appreciated!!!//hope y'all enjoy!

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