♥ long distance cgl relationship tips! ♥

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Credit to ddlgforum.com

A caregiver's responsibilities to their little are the same as in any other Cgl relationship. The little is a precious and sensitive person. When in little space, they are as vulnerable and as innocent as a child so they should be treated as such even though if they get "playful".

A caregiver should never manipulate, abandon or bully their little. Doing something like telling them they aren't good enough will get them very down. You have to support, love and cherish them and if you can't do that then you aren't suitable for a caregiving role.

A caregiver should make sure their little is doing the most basic things. Think about it, a child wouldn't be able to look after themselves well, so neither can a little when they're in little space to an extent. This can be checking if they're eating healthy, brushing teeth, getting fresh air, etc. A caregiver of a little with any mental illness should be even more aware of their little's moods and routines. You need to make sure they are stable and coping well.

All in all, a caregiver has to be just that - caring. It is their main role in a cgl dynamic and it must be upheld.

Caring over distance

Here are some ideas on how to show your little you care for her over distance:

Send them cute texts, pictures, videos.

Set up rules and a routine.

Send them some colouring pages for them to colour in.

Skype more regularly.

Check in a lot.

Listen to your little and act accordingly.

Give them extra contact when they are sickly.

Now, caring also entails doing what's best for your little and bettering them so make sure you punish them when they are naughty.

Setting up rules and routines is one of the most important things in a Cgl relationship!
Best way to set those up is to discuss them together and come to a mutual agreement. A rule is there to ensure that the little is healthy, happy, safe, relaxed, comfortable. Routine is there to give the little motion, stability. Together they form a Structure which when in place allows for the dynamic to flourish!

Examples of rules for LDR:

Show caregiver their outfit for approval.
Never talk down to themselves.
Check in with their Caregiver regularly.
Never self harm.
Never be rude or talk back to their Caregiver.
No potty mouth.
Must have at least 3 healthy meals a day.
Never hide anything from your Caregiver or lie.
Good girls have good manners.
No cheating out of punishments.
Keep room tidy.
Good hygiene.
No sexy stuff without permission (if you do that.)
​Here is an example of a good routine:
Wake up time - Can't be lying in bed all day, need to get up and ready for the day!
Morning hygiene - Brush teeth, wash yourself.
Getting dressed - Littles like to be dressed up, pick out their outfits in advance.
Breakfast - Breakfast is the most important meal of the day.
Chores - Business before pleasure.
Snack time - Yummy and vital for good energy through the day.
Play time - Skype, Movies, Cartoons, Colouring, etc.
Lunch - Lunch is the meal with the most vegetables.
Nap time - All that playtime is tiring...
Exercise - Go out to get some fresh air, Do some yoga, Stretch, etc.
More play time - The little is rested now so back to pleasure.
Bath time - Gotta get ready for bed.
Dinner - Can't go to bed hungry.
Bedtime - Bedtime story if they've been a good little :D, sleep well, shine tomorrow again.

Littlespace is the headspace someone goes into in which they feel a child like state. They will feel younger than their actual age in this headspace and they will display childish traits.

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