♥ questions to ask potential littles/cg's! ♥

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Credit to www.littlespaceonline.com

How did you discover Caregiver/little (CGL, DDLG, MDLB, ABDL, or whatever you're specifically connecting over)?

Are you always a Caregiver or do you switch roles sometimes? If so, are you 50% Caregiver/50% little or something else?

How long have you been a Caregiver?

Why do you think you're a Caregiver?

What type of Caregiver are you?

What do you like to be called as a Caregiver?

What do you like to do for your little?

How many people have you been a Caregiver to in the past?

Why do you think your past relationship attempts failed?

Are you caring for anyone right now?

Are you interested in having a 24/7 CGL style relationship where your partner would be little and rely on you all of the time?

What type of little do you like? Bratty, angelic, infantile, more teenagey, ..?

What little age do you think is the best for you and seems to make you happiest?

What do you really, really, really like doing for your little? Something that you need to feel fulfilled. Basically, what is something that has made you the happiest in doing for them in the past?

What do you expect your little to be like usually?

Do you think your little should work a job and help support themselves, you, or your household/family together if you get very serious with them?

Are you only sexual, sometimes sexual, rarely sexual, or never sexual?

Do you like CGL sexual-based scenes or is it nonsexual for you?

More specific stuff:

"How old are you?"
"When is your birthday?"
"What is 'too old' for you and what is 'too young' for you when connecting with people like me? Everybody has perferences!"

Location and Housing
"Where do you live right now?"
"Where are you from?"
"Do you like where you live?"
"Do you live alone, with family, or with roommates?"

"What's your name?"
"What name do you like to go by?"
"What name should I call you by while we're still getting to know each other?"

"What do you do for a living?"
"How many hours do you usually work?"
"Do you work day shift or overnights?"
"Do you like your job?"
"Do you plan on changing your career path?"

Free time / Activities/ Hobbies / Interests
"What do you do in your free time?"
"What are some activities you enjoy?"
"What are your hobbies?"
"What are your main interests?"
"What takes up most of your time right now?
"What are some of your favorite songs or musical artists?"
"What are some of your favorite movies?"
"What is your favorite ..."

General Get-to-Know-You Stuff
"What are some of your favorite foods?"
"When do you usually go to sleep?"
"Are you online a lot?"
"Are politics important to you? If so, what party do you belong? Are you passionate about voting or activism?"
"Are you religious? If so, do you belong to a church or organized group? Is it important to you to find a partner with the same belief system?"

Current Relationship Status
"Are you seeing anyone right now? If so, how do they feel about you seeing other people?"
"Are you in a relationship?"
"Are you looking for a(nother) partner?"

Relationship Preferences
"Are you looking for a monogamous or polyamorous type of relationship?"
"Are you looking for something serious or just online roleplay?"
"Are you looking for something long-term or just short-term, whenever?"
"Are you looking for only local partners or are you open to trying a long distance relationship?"

Partner Preferences
"What type of partner(s) are you looking to find?"
"What do you like in a partner?"
"Do you have a body type you like most?"
"Do you have age preferences?"

Communication Preferences
"Do you prefer to chat here or elsewhere?"
"When might you be comfortable voice or video chatting?"
"Do you prefer to be in constant communication or only at set times that are convenient for us both?"

Sexual Preferences
"What is your sexuality?"
"Are you a virgin? If so, is that a personal choice in waiting? If not, how many people have you been intimate up up until now? (Are you tested for STDs/STIs regularly? When was your last check-up?)"
"Do you have any kinks? If so, what do you feel comfortable sharing with me about those?"
"How long do you like to know or be with someone before you become intimate?"
"Do you have any soft or hard limits?"

Sorry that was so long!



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