Chapter 31

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I scroll through the computer while sighing, I've been searching for a solution to my problems but I can't find any, then I spotted a video, I shouldn't be looking at this but who cares?

It was a video of a girl cutting, she said is helps you feel better. A video rated 18+

I think I'm running into depression, I can't sleep, I lost all apatite, I only study and study and study.

I got up from my desk chair and head to the bathroom, I grabbed a razor and walk back to my desk.

I rolled my sleeve up as I sigh, my hand shook. "Do it! No don't do it! Do it come on! No don't do that!"

I drop the razor while sighing, I can't hurt myself, it won't solve anything, other than make me a psychopath. I don't wanna die maybe yes just a little bit, but still I don't want to commit suicide! I'm I crazy! What was I thinking!

I sigh, while resting my head on my palm as I kept watch the videos of people getting hurt.

The sound that came on the door scare me, my hand slip and hit the razor.

"Ow!" I hiss, blood started dripping from the center of my lower arm, I hissed as I wrap my hand on the cut but my blood just lick through my fingers and kept dripping.

The knocking on the door persisted, I'm lost! I hurried to the bathroom where my blood freely drop on the floor.

"Mr Christopher? Is everything okay?" I heard Henry call from behind the door.

Thank goodness is Henry, I sigh in relief, "Henry please come in shut the door behind you." I called out.

I heard him hurriedly enter and shut the door then he bursted into the bathroom and gasp at what he saw.

He ran to my room and came back with my first aid knit.

"I'm going to disaffect your injury, it will hurt a little but I promise later it will be fine." He smiled.

"I don't know, you're not going to pour the penicillin on my cut would you?" I pleaded with my eyes.

"I have to, I need to stop your blood from oozing out, it's not healthy and to disaffect it. Don't worry we'll count to ten together. Okay?"

I nodded.

"One. Two. Three. Four. Five. Ahhh!" I screamed as the liquid came in contact with my inner flesh. "You lied! Ow! Ow!"

"Is less painful when you're not prepared. Sorry." He smiled.

He wrapped a bandage around my cut and we were back in my room, he got someone to clean the mess.

He didn't stop staring at the computer screen, his gaze left the computer and settled on me.

"I swear Henry I didn't cut!" I blurted out.

"Why are you watching these?" He pointed at the computer.

I sigh, "I wanted to, but I realized how important I was to myself, and forgot about it but I slipped and it cut me. I swear!"

"I believe you," he sat beside me on the bed. "But why will you think of cutting?"

I sigh, "I don't know, I can feel a heavy weight on my chest, that prevent me from breathing, is suffocating me, I need them! I need someone! Henry, I need help!" I sigh.

Henry pulled me close and hugged me, I hugged him tightly.

"Please Henry don't tell it to anyone."

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