(Chapter Five- Realization)

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'Chip can be seen sitting on the top of the temple next to Garnet, Chip himself looks rather confused. Firstly he thought his mini-moms werent going to fuse again untill after the wedding ceremony, secondly his mother says they need to have a talk so as expected, he is rather suspicious'

Chip: "Sooooo....whatsup?" 'Chip asks curiously'

Garnet: "The sky" 'Garnet says smirking knowing fully well the lack of a proper response would irritate Chip'

Chip: "Ha and Ha. You know what I meant" 'Chip says rolling his eyes'

Garnet: "I brought you out here so we can talk in private"

Chip: "About what. Exactly?"

'Garnet hums to herself in thought trying to find the best way to approach this'

Garnet: "About your feelings, more specifically the color you have been having the most trouble with" 'Garnet explains causing Chip to tilt his head, his eyes turning into question marks'

Chip: "Pink?"

Garnet: "Correct" 'Garnet says with a nod'

Chip: "Well do tell oh wise one" 'Chip says dramatically earning a light chuckle from his mother'

Garnet: "As you know, Gems and Humans experience Love differently. They experience it for different reasons" 'Garnet says earning a nod from Chip'

Garnet: "The phenomenon humans experience as love is in all actuality, just the result of a mixture of chemicals within their brains combined with the need to procreate to keep the species alive"

Garnet: "However, for gems such as myself. Gems Such as Ruby and Sapphire. Love is found through many years spent together, through trust and an emotional bond" 'Garnet explains while Chip waits calmly'

Garnet: "However, despite these differences both human and Gem go through simmilar effects when in love. Both are equally as important"

Chip:" Okay, now what does this have to do with me?" 'Chip asks curiously earning a soft smile from Garnet'

Garnet: "Odly enough, despite the biological differences between Humans and Metamorin's they-"

Chip: "Reproduce in the same way yes I'm aware. Core files exist, let's not talk about that right now" 'Chip says raising a hand earning a soft chuckle from Garnet'

Garnet: "Right, however Metamorin's when they experience love go through a much different process. They form a sort of...mental connection with their partner. Which means when a Metamorin finds a partner it is for life as their processors generate the necessary feelings to keep both parties involved happy"

Garnet: "When a pair of Metamorin's form that sort of connection they begin to experience the same sorts of feelings humans do, however they show it in a much different way" 'Garnet says turning to Chip'

Garnet: "Each Metamorin has some form of Glow and when a Metamorin is in love, they glow pink" 'Garnet says poking Chips nose'

'Chip stops for a moment as he processes the new information, a bright blue flush begining to cross his face'

Chip: "Oh.... " 'Chip says with his eyes going black'

'Garnet laughs to herself softly as she places her hands on Chip's shoulders'

Garnet: "It is perfectly normal for you to be feeling these sorts of things" 'Garnet says softly'

Garnet: "And honestly, it is pretty obvious she feels the same way" 'Garnet says causing Chip's eyes to turn back on while they glow a dull purplish blue color'

Chip: "You.. think so?" 'Chip asks in a near whisper, his voice being much softer than usual'

Garnet: "I know so, I've seen both of you have the Pink glow, all that you need to do is figure out how to approach this" 'Garnet says softly'

'Garnet stops with a small smile on her face before scooting closer to Chip pulling him into a hug'

Garnet: "You have no idea how proud of you I am, you have grown into an amazing young man in such a short time" 'Garnet says softly as she squeezes Chip before letting him go'

Chip: "Well I do have a group of the worlds best mothers" 'Chip says with a soft smile, his eyes glowing a vibrant green color'

'The both of them sit in silence for a moment before Garnet turns to Chip a smile on her face'

Garnet: "So why her? What do you like about her?" 'Garnet asks curiously causing Chip's cheeks to glow a dull blue'

Chip: "She's just.....herself. on homeworld she was the only person I knew I could trust for certain. Her eyes are like a weapon though" 'Chip says softly, a dull pink glow forming around his eyes'

Garnet: "What do you mean?" 'Garnet asks with a chuckle'

Chip: "Its just... no matter what, if I'm overly angry or in the midst of a breakdown, if I look into her eyes i just..feel at peace....safe" 'Chip says quietly looking down'

Garnet: "You are adorable" 'Garnet says gently ruffling Chip's hair'

Chip: "I just....dont know what to do now, let alone what to say!" 'Chip says with the Pink glow in his eyes growing brighter'

'Garnet pauses in thought before a gentle smile crosses her face'

Garnet: "Just wait untill you feel the time is right, be yourself. Remember she made the connection with you, not anyone else" 'Garnet says with a proud smile on her face'

'A loud whirring sound comes from Chip before he covers his face with his hands groaning in embarrassment'

Chip: "I can blast apart a military bunker but I cant handle emotions. Why do i have to be so soft..." 'Chip says earning a chuckle from Garnet'

Garnet: "Because that is who you are. And i couldnt have asked for a better son" 'Garnet says proudly as the two of them watch the sun set'

*To be continued*

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