(Chapter One-Learning)

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Amethyst: "So....he cant do anything really?" 'Amethyst asks in a confused voice as she and Pearl watch Garnet attempt to teach Chip how to read with Steven's help of course, Garnet has a dictionary opened up on the living room table aswell as a few pieces of paper and pencils'

Pearl: "That is correct, so he has to learn everything from scratch"

Amethyst: "What I'm more confused about anything is why you and Garnet seem so willing even excited to have him around? Like usually you are both adamant about not doing somthing like this"

Pearl: "Well before the war ended the Metamorin's were very close allies of ours, even though they were extreamly more advanced than us gems they still showed sympathy for our cause, they gave us weapons, technology, even a few spare fighter ships! Homeworld was too scared to fight back against them so they only bothered with the rebellion" 'Pearl explains in a calm voice as she watches Steven place a few Books on the table with a loud thud which startles Chip momentarily'

Amethyst: "So what, is this like your way of paying them back?"

Pearl: "In a sense yes, we havent had any contact with them for thousands of years so it's highly likley he is the last one alive" 'Pearl says in a calm yet rather somber tone'

Amethyst: "Well he seems to get along with Garnet pretty well atleast, I havent seen her smile this much before" 'Amethyst says chuckling'

Pearl: "She always got along with His kind, mostly due to how they were okay with most things homeworld wasnt, she was encouraged by the Metamorin's to be the best Gem she could be, but yes she does seem to get along with him more than I expected" 'Pearl Explains as Garnet points to a word in the dictionary'

Garnet: "This says, Planet, WE are on a planet" 'Garnet explains to chip in a calm voice causing him to tilt his head in confusion'

Steven: "Are you sure this is working? How can he understand english if he cant read" 'Steven says clearly confused as he sits down next to Garnet'

Garnet: "This will work, we just have to give him time is all" 'Garnet says in a confident tone'

Steven: "If you say so!" 'Steven says in his usual up beat tone of voice'

'Moments later Garnet notices Chip is using a pencil on one of the pieces of paper, he seems to be struggling a little bit as he is doing so, when he is done he holds up the paper to Garnet who takes it curiously'

'The paper shows rather well written hand writing on it saying "Planet Earth = Home?" Garnet looks from the paper she used to show him writing as she notices how simmilar her writing and his are, She smiles to herself before setting down the paper'

Garnet: "This is going by much faster than I expected, good job" 'Garnet says to Chip causing him to smile as his one visible iris changes to a glowing Green color'

Steven: "Does that mean he's happy?" 'Steven asks confused as he looks at Chip who curiously tilts his head whole looking at Steven'

Garnet: "I think so, the color changed to purple when he was afraid aswell"

Steven: "Oh! We should show him around beach city!"

Pearl: "I dont think that's a very good idea Steven, I dont believe he is ready to meet other people yet" 'Pearl says cautiously earning a disappointed groan from Steven'

Amethyst: "I dunno, I think he's ready" 'Amethyst says calmly as she watches Chip writing on the paper'

Pearl: "He dosent even have proper clothes!" 'Pearl says clearly annoyed with Amethyst's attitude toward the situation'

Garnet: "Then you and steven can go get him some, Amethyst can help me teach him more about earth" 'Garnet says calmly as Amethyst slides off her chair with a loud groan of displeasure'

Pearl: "Oh...allright, I guess I would be the best choice for fashion" 'Pearl says in a accepting tone as Steven quickly jogs to the door'

Steven: "Come on Pearl!" 'Steven says impatiently as he grabs Pearl's hand and drags her out the door'

'Amethyst stands up and walks over to the couch, she sits down next to Garnet and takes out her phone'

Garnet: "I thought I said to help"

Amethyst: "I am helping" 'Amethyst says with a smug grin as she opens up Tube Tube'

'Amethyst puts on a video of a small robot and hands it to Chip who looks at the video curiously'

'Garnet looks at Chip noticing the look of curiosity as he examines the phone, she turns to Amethyst calmly'

Garnet: "How did you know that would work?" 'Garnet asks Amethyst as In the Background Chip's index finger opens up at the tip surprising him, he looks at the Phone and inserts the USB like device into the phones charging port'

Amethyst: "I didnt, I just figured he would think tech is cool, y'know with him being a robot and everything" 'Amethyst says as Chips one visible eyes glows entirely green while flashing, his body tenses up as a whirring sound emits from him'

'Garnet turns back to Chip and instantly takes the phone from him once noticing the situation, she is clearly worried which earns a laugh from Amethyst as Chip's eye returns to a glowing blue iris with a black background'

Amethyst: "So what was that?"

Garnet: "He interfaced with your phone and scanned...something?" 'Garnet says as she turns back to Chip, his iris is Glowing green as he smiles, his mouth consisting of what looks like normal human teeth save for his eye teeth on both his lower and upper jaw which look like large fangs'

Amethyst: "That is awsome! You look like a real life Vampire!" 'Amethyst says excitedly earning a even bigger smile from Chip, what causes the room to go silent is Chip emitting a few upper beat beeping noises as he claps happily'

Amethyst: "Can you understand us now?"

'Chip gives a thumbs up as he makes a sound iddentical to a cash register'

Garnet: "So that's what you did when you scanned her phone, you downloaded the english dictionary" 'Garnet says with a light chuckle as she Pat's his head earning a light beep from him'

'Chip brings up his hand as he looks at his index finger, his finger reforms he bends it before opening it back up and closing it'

Amethyst: "Is he supposed to learn this fast?"

Garnet: "Yes he is, the Metamorin's are a very intelligent race, and he seems to be above average on that scale" 'Garnet says as she watches Chip open up the rest of his fingers showing simmilar USB like devices'

Amethyst: "This is weird"

'Garnet looks over at Chip noticing he has gone quiet, chip is looking at his left shoulder with a sad expression, he reaches up to the bandages on the right side of his head only for Garnet to gently take his hand and pull it away from the bandages'

Garnet: "I know you're confused and I know you're scared, buy everything will be okay, you just have to learn for yourself" 'Garnet says calmly earning a small smile from Chip as looks at his hand'

*To be continued*

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