36 - Apple

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Jackson's POV

+ not edited

How do you even do relationships?

I decided to be blunt as possible and she probably wouldn't like it, but it had to be done. I also knew that she didn't like a lot of attention so me going all out was a no.

"So..." I walk into our room. Yes our room.

"Yes Jackson?" She asks not looking up from her computer. She seemed tired and was about to fall asleep.

"So no labels?" I asked quietly rounding the bed. She glanced at me and laughed.

"I don't know- I don't know what you wanted and I don't like all that romantic shit that should happen if you did ask me to be your girlfriend properly." She clasps her hands together.

"I don't like proper or formal either, so, how do you want me to ask?" I lay down on the bed. She stares at me like I've grown two heads.

"Uhm, I don't think that's how it works? Aren't you supposed to come up with something," She laughs again.

"I don't know, am I? I've never been in a relationship before besides middle school."

"And how'd your ask her out?"

"I said, be my girlfriend, and there was no debate." I looked at her wearily as she laughed.

"Well," She says in a suggesting tone.

"Fuck, I hate you." I whined. "I don't know how to do this." I whine. She makes a face at me and started to laugh again. I pouted.

"Well maybe you should just stay single." I rolled my eyes.

"Mmhm," she mumbles knowing that that wasn't going to happen.

"Ok ok. You already know you're mine correct?" I ask and she nods. "So that means we're together, no questions, no objections, you're mine." Maybe I sounded a little possessive or a lotta bit.

"Posessive much huh?" She smugly grins closing her laptop and pushes it to the side.

"Only over you." I cock an eyebrow.

"Well I'm not sure what the hell just happened, but I'm pretty sure you're supposed to kiss me really dramatically." She fixes her posture.

"Oh, right. How could I forget." I grinned widely. I lean down to kiss her. She uses both hands to pull me to her lips. At first the kiss was slow and passionate, we took our time. Then it soon got fast and hungry. I was shocked when she asked for entrance with her tongue. That just meant that I was a good teacher.

She pulled away breathing hard. I laughed at her smile she was trying to hide.

Kiona's POV

Well fuck. I was standing in front of the big ass glass doors of Apple. And holy shit was I nervous as hell. I walked around outside for a little trying to calm myself down, but I got weird stares from people. Then my phone started ringing.


"Babydoll, did you even go into work yet?"

"No I'm nervous as fuck!" I whisper shout into my phone.

"Well shit, you're going to get fired before you even walk in using that language." Jackson chuckles.

"Okay I'm going in." I say walking through the entrance.

"You'll be fine, you believe me? You just won't have me to bother you whenever I  felt like it." He teases.

"Did you know I have to go through security? Like through metal detectors and shit!" I exclaim waiting behind people.

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