31 - Nosy ass

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Kiona's POV

+ not edited

"Believe it or not I can afford first class!"

"Babydoll, I don't understand why you don't just fly with me."

"I already bought my ticket and private jets have a higher percent to crash. I hate flying as it is." I roll my eyes zipping up my suitcase.

"There's gangs everywhere, that's the main reason why I'm going with you." He says and I roll my eyes again to that.

"And us too!" The three stooges say interrupting.

I glare at him. "I understand that, but I'm flying a commercial airplane. Like regular people." I say with finality.

"Believe it or not we have businesses up in Chicago that coincidentally need to be visited." Adrian says shrugging.

"I'm glad to be getting out of New Orleans for once shit." Liam mutters.

"Let's go." I say giving my suitcase to Luca who takes it and puts it in the car. We drop off my children at Ziya's apartment who willingly kept them.

"Stop complaining we're leaving from the same damn airport, just that I'll be waiting longer and you'll be there before I am." I say to Jackson getting in the suv. He makes a face before dropping the conversation.

They drop me off at the main entrance saying bye and leave to wherever his jet was. I happily made my way into the airport going through TSA and baggage check and all that before taking a seat at my gate.


"Yes Jackson I just landed." I say over the phone. I know he was protective and all but damn, let me breathe for two seconds.

"Yes I'm safe...I swear." I say picking my suitcase off of baggage claim, walking to the entrance. "I gotta go my family's here." I say hanging up.

"Kiona!" I hear Mya and Kiera scream running up to me to give me a hug.

"Hi guys." I say hugging them both. I hug my mom and nod at my stepdad, not saying anything to him. I put my suitcase in the trunk climbing in the car.

"I've missed y'all so much." I say smiling. Being in his presence killed my mood already.

"Us too Ki, all ya family members been talking bout you." My mama says and I shake my head. "Bragging bout you and all." She smiles. "But remember, some of ya family members greedy as hell so you gotta watch your back."

"She ain't lyin' even people at school be mentioning you," Kiera says dramatically.

When I was young, I didn't grow up in the best neighborhood. It's was the projects, but we moved homes when I was a teen to the suburbs when my parents divorced.


"Made your favorite, lasagna, just for today." My mom says happily taking it out of the oven. I really missed home. I don't think I really thought about it this much until I was actually here. No gunfire, no guards, just family.

My immediate family came over that night and I was kind of overwhelmed with everything, but I made it through the night. It was a lot of catching up and hugs and kisses. I love them but damn I got hit by all of them at once. So many questions were asked and my head began to spin.

It was late when everyone left so I went up to my old room as I FaceTimed Jackson. "Look I'm fine!" I say being dramatic.

He glared at me through the screen. "Ok babydoll, you won."

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