Chapter 30

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Sara winced in pain as the stings of the corset were yanked tighter by the maids attending to her.

She despised the corsets and their tightness. If only she could just wear a simple night dress to dinner instead. That would have been a far better substitute in her opinion but alas it seemed her opinion did not matter when it came to dinner.

"You look stunning my queen," Adam praised as he entered her bedroom whilst the maids finally finished her torture.

"Thanks," she smiled.

"It's my pleasure to compliment such a fair maiden on her incredibly charming beauty," he said.

"Um thanks again," she replied blushing.

"Are you excited for dinner? You do remember the obligations right?" He asked.

"I really don't want to go to dinner tonight," she muttered.

"It's your duty to attend as the future queen," he said.

"I do not want to go, don't I get to choose? I mean I did not choose to be queen. Do I have no right to choice?" She asked.

"No. You're my mate. A male always knows what is best for his female," he replied as his fingers softly swept over her cheek adoringly.

She swatted his hand away from her face in annoyance, not even paying attention to the fact that she did not know what a mate was. "You do not know what is best for me. I am my own person and will not be controlled by the likes of you."

"I don't see why you don't want to be. Women here love being cared for and doted on by their significant others. Our system works perfectly for us. Maybe your system is the one that is wrong," he said and he received a very angry glare followed by her leaving into the bathroom and slamming and locking the door.

"I refuse to go to dinner," she declared firmly from inside the bathroom.

"Sara!" He growled out angrily.

"I will not let you control me," she responded.

"Sara stop being so unreasonable," he said.

"Stop thinking you own me because you do not, have never and never will," she said.

"I do own you Sara," he growled.

"So was all you told me a lie. You said I'd have a choice. If I gave you a second chance I would be able to do things my way but now you say you own me. I cannot believe that I ever trusted you! I gave you my first kiss!" She shouted at him as tears clouded her eyes and she sank to the floor in despair.

"Sara I said those things because I was desperate. Don't you understand I am desperate for you. I love you Sara. I need you," he said.

"So you lied to me to keep me here. You lied to me. How could you do that?!"

"I had to. Sara you don't understand anything-"

"Then make me understand! Tell me why you lied to me! Tell me what is going on! You ripped me from my family twice just to lie to me and keep me caged," she said.

"Sara it's hard to explain to you-"

"Fine Mr Secrets, then tell me why me? Why me and not some other unfortunate girl, or better yet how about a girl who is right here and willing. All the girls here are probably more willing than I," she said.

"Because you are the only one who is able to take on the position- do you believe in soulmates?"

She rolled her eyes at his question. "No that's not something I believe in. I don't believe that people are destined for each other but let me guess... you do believe that, just as you apparently believe I am destined for you. That is hogwash. You kidnapped me because you think I am your soulmate," she said.

"Sara I don't think, I know. Where I come from things like this are set in stone. Everyone has a soulmate and you are mine. There is a pull between us. It makes my feelings for you undeniable. Only a King's soulmate can be the Queen," he said.

"And you actually expect me to believe that? No thank you. I am not going to be joining you in the lunatic filled crazy land," she said.

"Sara can you just come out the bathroom so we can talk face to face?" He asked.

"No because if I do you'll drag me off to dinner. You'll force me to comply with your society's rules," she declared.

"Sara you have to come and you have to do it, if you don't they won't believe that you are fit to be Queen and our marriage may be prolonged even once you've agreed," he said.

"Well that's fine because I do not want to be queen. I am a seventeen year old teenage girl who would much rather be lying in bed than dealing with matters such as becoming queen, strange societies, things that are strangely weird and maybe magical- I don't know. See I am not cut out for this life. Find another girl to play soulmates with you," she said.

"Sara stop denying me please!"

"You brought it on yourself."

"Sara open this door right now or I will break it down. 1... 2..."

Sara got up with a sigh and opened the bathroom door to see the King. She did not want to open the door but she really did not want the door to her bathroom bashed down. Especially when it was useful, to give her a few seconds away from him when he was being overbearing and in her room.

"What? What do you want to tell me to my face?!"

"Sara, my beloved have you been crying?" He asked in a gentle voice.

"It's not like you care. You've been shouting at me this whole time," she said.

"I am sorry Sara. I didn't mean to- I have issues at times. I get angry and frustrated and not only that but I feel a somewhat animalistic need to be in control of you, to be the one to look after you, to protect you and I'm sorry it comes off as cruel and forceful often," he said.

"Do you have multiple personality disorder?" She asked.

"No, what is that?"

"A personality disorder? You know where a person has multiple personalities which can-"

"No. I do not have any disorders- I have something important you need to know," he sighed.

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