Chapter 20

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The bell rang to interrupt her thoughts and she got up and left the class and went outside, she glanced at the forest and she saw a man that she was sure she had seen at the castle. He was sniffing the air.

He had been in the one scene in her head, the first one where the King had been shouting at him to find her. Maybe it had been real by some miracle.

He immediately spotted her and ran for her and she ran to a hidden area since that way they couldn't be caught. She was not sure why but she didn't want them to be caught.

"Milady the King has ordered us to return you to the castle," he said once he had caught up to her.

"I am not going back to that classist and sexist kingdom of yours. I prefer these clothes to your dresses and jewels and I can eat on my own here," she said eating a chip as proof.

"Milady the King needs you by his side. You keep him in control," James said.

"I don't want to be controlled. Look here he has choked me and locked me up and although he hasn't raped me or anything I don't want to be his little possession to do with as he wishes. He took me away from everything I knew, my friends and my family. I missed my baby brother's first steps. I understand you want to satisfy your king but kidnapping a seventeen year old school girl or anyone for that matter should probably not be the answer to satisfying him," Sara pointed out.

"Well you're his female and no one can change that not even him. By staying here you are being selfish. He's already ordered the execution of your guards for letting you escape. He has already executed that maid for what she did and has had the others severely whipped. He is angry and you're the only one who can calm him down. He will have you. The sooner you return, the better for everyone including yourself," James said.

"Wait did you call me selfish for wanting to live my own life? Look here I have a family here and you want me to be ripped away from them again. They suffered enough last time. I refuse to go with you. I refuse to become some sort of child bride for your king," she said.

"You're seventeen, you are of age and when you return you'll soon be coronated as queen," he explained.

"And you think I want that. You're trying to run my life!" She shouted kicking him where it hurts.

He fell to his knees in pain.

"I'm not going to go back with you, I'll make that clear now. I belong here not in a patriarchy where my rights are denied," she said.

He got up and grabbed her and she struggled.

"I am sorry my lady but I need to return you to the King," he told her.

"No! Let go of me!" She screamed.

"Let go of my sister immediately!" Nathan shouted.


"I'm sorry I cannot let go of her. We need her-"

"I told you I'm not going back with you," she shouted struggling.

"Sara did he kidnap you?"

"No he was there though," Sara replied.

"Look here I don't care who you are or what you want but you will leave my little sister alone," Nathan said ripping me from James's grip.

"Look just give me Lady Sara and we can part ways. Her ladyship is very important," James said.

"I'm sorry but I cannot take you seriously when dressed like that," Nathan laughed.

"Nate they all dress like that," Sara whispered pulling at her brother's arm to lead him away.

"What are they some people interested in reenactnents? Look here my sister is not going with you weirdos. You've put her through enough as it is, you took her from us and she wouldn't stop crying when we got her back thanks to you. Now leave her alone before I get the police involved," Nathan said.

"There is no authority above King Adam. You are standing between him and his beloved now move aside before there is more bloodshed than required. All we need is Lady Sara, we'll pay in gold for her if we must or we shall take what is our king's by force," James declared.

"Are you crazy? You can't buy my sister from me," Nathan replied.

"Then I will fight you for her, human boy," James said.

"Nathan we have to leave. He is not playing around," Sara said pulling at her brother's arm again.

"He thinks it's okay to disrespect you and treat you like an object, it is not!"

"Nathan they see women as helpless, weak and below them it is not going to do any good to fight him over it, I've tried it enough," she said.

The school bell rang soon enough and Sara began dragging Nathan away to the group of teenagers going into the building, knowing James couldn't drag her off there.

"Lady Sara if you won't come he'll have to get you himself," James said before running off.

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