Chapter 38

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"So what you're saying is, Elizabeth has an inside job?" Kyle leans forward, looking between me and Ansaldo.

We are having a meeting with my pack, Ansaldo, and our beta and gamma. And little Nico was here with Malik, which is understandable. Malik has been refusing to leave Nico alone lately.

"That's exactly what we're saying. The signs are literally right in front of us. She can't get past the border without high alert. Elizabeth just so happens to know when we have our guard down the most, and where the easiest access points are. She knew when Liam and I completed our mating process, and sent a declaration of war when neither of us has really been outside. However, we did tell both of our packs." Ansaldo points out, clear as day.

I nod, I hand resting over my mouth, as I subtly looked around.

Arina and my dad were exchanging the notes Ansaldo had written for the alphas, and Cameron and my mom going over the notes I had given them.

Kay, Hannah, and our gamma Enzo were intently listening, and Malik with Kyle and Brendon. My eyes trailed over Easton, and I narrowed my eyes.

He was listening, and making body movements that just didn't seem like him. Nodding harder than other people, breathing is irregular...

I shake my head, snapping out of it.

I'm just paranoid. I don't like Easton, never have and never will, so I'm just automatically targeting him. He has no real proof of being an inside job for Elizabeth.

Besides, how would he know her anyways? It doesn't add up the more I think of it.

No one in the room is the spy.

"So do we have a plan?" Cameron asks.

"We find where her coven is at, find the spy. We will go from there." Ansaldo nods, and begins to dismiss the meeting, before someone ran in and handed him a piece of paper.

It looks like the last paper Elizabeth sent us.

My mate rips open the letter, and he visibly becomes more infuriated the more he reads.

"Where did you get this?" His eyes go black, and he growls at the pack warrior. I stand up from my seat and go and quickly grab his arm, to calm down his wolf before he can murder this poor dude who did nothing wrong besides deliver a note.

Ansaldos eyes relax at a black, but they don't switch back to the sea green blue color. He takes his arm I have a hold of, and wraps it around me and pulls me close to him instead. I now wrap both of my arms around his side, and look at the warrior.

"It was outside, at the gates. No one gave it to me." The wolf told us, trying to maintain a calm and composed posture.

Before Ansaldo can speak again, I decide to take it from here. "Thank you, you may go." I dismiss him. He nods respectfully at me, and quickly leaves the room before his alpha can protest.

I take the paper from him and began to read it out loud.


Did you enjoy my little raid? I sure did.

Best part about it all was leaving some of your weakest warriors dead. Think of it as a favor. Be ready for me to take a few more, including your little Luna.


I was visibly shaking, Malik snatching the paper from me. He reads it, twice, maybe three times over.

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