Chapter 14

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I carefully wrap up my busted and bleeding hand in white gauze. It was definitely bruised and cut, and wrapping it up was going to help stop the bleeding and apply pressure.

I for sure wasn't going to tell Moretti I busted my hand because I punched a mirror. I may not know him well, but I know he would be upset if he found out I did this to myself.

After I'm done, I look around the room for a black hoodie.

"Ah ha!" I say in delight. I found a black adidas jacket with a white trim.

I put it on and it covers my wrap pretty well. I'll just have to keep my hand in the jacket pocket though.

Now ready for the day, and not sure on knowing what to do, I go to the balcony that the room had.

I don't lean on the edge or the railing of any sort. I just stand in the doorway, leaning on that instead.

I watched the pack warriors train teenagers, and it looked pretty brutal for just training.

Claws were thankfully sheathed though, and no one was actually bleeding. A lot of hits were being thrown, and blocking technique was being used.

There was a reason this pack had a reputation for being the most dangerous, and you could clearly see that in the training. My pack could never compare to Moretti's.

Suddenly, I furrow my eyebrows as I see something on the very edge of the forest.

It was clearly a woman. A black cloak with dark royal purple lining the inside of the fabric. She had dark brown hair, and her unusual brown eyes bored into mine.

She looked like an outsider. I could just tell she was not a member of this pack.

She beckoned out her hand, eyes still locked with mine. Then she disappeared into the trees.

I shook my head and blinked, trying to decipher if what I just saw was real or not. But she was gone. She didn't appear again.

'Who was that?' Vessel wondered.

'Good question. I have no clue.' I thought back to my wolf.

'Let's go check it out.' Vessel suggested.

'Hell no. That's how people die in horror movies. I am not about to be that idiot.' I snapped back.

'But Liam, you're literally a werewolf. What harm can she do to you?' Vessel rolled his eyes.

'You never know. She didn't look human, but didn't smell like us. I don't trust following that.'

'Please?' Vessel begged.

I sighed.

A knock interrupted our conversation, and I put my wrapped hand in the jacket pocket.

I went and opened the door, where Moretti stood, his hands in his front jean pockets.

"Care to join me for a tour outside?"


Moretti led me around the backyard where all the training was happening.

It was decided my age groups, interests, and experiences. I was proud gender didn't come in to play.

"Here's a question for you Moretti." I turned to him.

"Hm?" He looked at me.

"I'm wondering why gender doesn't affect the grouping. I'm glad it doesn't, but I'm just wondering why?"

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