Part 17

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Cache Littman

I sat in the student government class paying absolutely no attention. From what had slipped through, we 9th graders were planning the assembly for next week.

Tysen, Dylan, Kodie, and Natalie were all being very productive. Planning the agenda and all that. However, I was sitting on a desk fidgeting with a stapler. It was a very nice stapler.


My head shot up. "Hm?"

"What do you think of having everyone do a speaking part in the presentations?" Kodie asked me

My cheeks reddened a little realizing I had been so spaced that I hadn't heard her talking.

"Oh. Yeah that's a great idea," I replied sheepishly. "Sorry about that," I mumbled, referring to being spaced out.

The four of them kept discussing the assembly and I found myself spaced right back out and studying my stapler.

In the midst of admiring the wonderful springs of the stapler, I felt someone tap my knee. I looked up again to see Natalie looking at me.

"Hey you good? You seem a little out of it," she said quietly. I looked around to find that they had finished planning and we're now just doing their own thing.

I looked back at Natalie to see that she was still looking at me with a slight look of concern in her eyes.

That caught me off guard for a second. Her eyes were a brilliant blue with little specks of silver. The show of concern made them look even a little prettier.

I came back to my senses and replied with a little laugh, "Oh yeah. Just a little spacey."

"Alright then," she said with a little smile. Once again I was caught off guard. Upon seeing her smile I found myself blushing slightly.

Cache you better stop, I scolded myself. It will only lead to something bad.

"Hey Cache," Natalie then said.

"Hm?" I looked back at her, entering myself right back into the cycle I had just barely told myself not to be in.

"You wanna hang out later? I don't have practice if you're free?"

My immediate response in my head was a yes. Thankfully I was able to stop myself from sounding over eager.

"That sounds awesome," I gave a little smile. "I'm free pretty much always."

"Nice. I have to go home and make sure my sister gets ready for practice but we can meet up after that," she explained. She checked the time on her phone, "Or you can just ride my bus with me and we can hang out at my house."

I quickly looked at my phone too. School was out in 5 minutes.

"Am I allowed to ride your bus?" I asked her.

"Oh yeah, we only have like 18 kids that ride our bus."

"Alright then. I will ride the bus then."


I quickly sent a text to my mom telling her I was going to Natalie's house. I didn't really care what her response was but I figured I should tell her anyways.

The bell rang and I followed Natalie out to her bus. I was a little wary about getting on her bus, because visitors weren't allowed on mine, but it turned out she was right and the bus driver didn't care. We walked down the aisle of the bus and sat down in about the middle of the bus.

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