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"Don't go askin' Jesus why, we're not meant to know the answers..." James' voice was low as he mumbled his favourite song. 

His sight was revoked and he felt pain around his wrists caused by ropes holding his arms up, his feet barely touching the ground. Racking his brain, he couldn't figure out why this man had taken him or even what the man was. Human was out of the question, he flew out of the parking lot like a bullet from a gun. James didn't consider himself jacked, but he was floored at how much stronger the man was than him. Whatever had taken him had led him to be held captive in some room that he couldn't see. Wherever it was, it was huge, the sound echoed. 

"Shut the fuck up," the man jabbed James in the side, he swore he felt a rib crack and sucked in air through his teeth. 

The man played with something behind James, it sounded like a television set as there was a constant, low volume static emitting from the location. Soon enough, there was a voice that came from the set. It sounded like a young woman, the man tampered with it until he got one phrase to repeat over and over, "Bella? Bella? Where are you?" James guessed that the man might have been attempting to lure someone else to the area, but if that were the case, why did he have to be dragged in and tied up?

"If you make so much as one sound, I'll kill you," the man whispered in James' ear before disappeared, a gust of wind following closely in his path. 

James decided to follow directions, maybe there was a shred of hope left for him. He heard large doors open somewhere in the room but stayed still, they eventually slammed shut and footsteps echoed off of the walls. They headed toward where James assumed the television set was located, it must have been in a closet because he heard a second set of doors open before the sound got louder. 

"She's not here," a woman's voice was quiet as she noticed what she had been tricked into. 

The man began to taunt her, "I hope you don't mind, I picked this up from your house, I figured we could make a little home movie. Maybe when Edward sees this he'll come after me."

The name sounded familiar, but James didn't think too much on it, for all he knew he could be in a different state. 

"Ask him, ask Edward to avenge you," the man taunted some more. 

"No, Edward, don't!" The girl spat.

Something like aerosol was sprayed and footsteps scrambled toward the front doors, they quickly stopped and the sound of glass crashing came quickly after. James grew increasingly confused as he listened to everything that was going on. A lot of glass seemed to shatter, a scream was emitted after a loud crunch, James didn't want to think about what that might of been. 

A cold sensation was felt on James' wrists which caused him to jump. "Who is it?"

The blindfold was dropped and he had to blink a few times before his vision returned to a clearer state. Standing before him with a distraught look was none other than the man he had texted the day before. His face scrunched, his arms still up in a knot, he could feel his shoulders were out of their joints. 

"How the hell are you involved in this?" James hissed as Carlisle's fingers worked at the knot that was so tightly binding his wrists together. 

"It's a long story," Carlisle shook his head and caught James as he fell, his muscles completely fatigued from hours of hanging in one place. "This is going to hurt but your shoulders need to be reset."

"Just do it man," James squeezed his eyes shut and controllably exhaled as the doctor worked on fixing what had been damaged. "I deserve an explanation at this point."

"Later, I promise. Can you walk?" 

He attempted to push himself up, but his legs failed him. James shook his head and looked around to survey the area. A large fire had been started and he witnessed the man that had taken him being ripped apart by three other people. His eyes widened and his mouth formed a tight line. 

"What the fuck?" He whispered as he looked over to a woman writhing in pain on the ground.

"Carlisle!" A man yelled to catch his attention, he tended to the girl on the ground and James simply sat and watched, he had no other option. 

The man that had called for Carlisle's attention sunk his teeth into the girl's hand and started sucking on it. James had already been beyond confused, he looked around and began to feel faint. Other than nearly passing out from washing a wound, he liked to consider himself a strong person, so the fact that this development had made him feel vulnerable and weak was antagonising him even more. 

Quicker than dropping from the ropes, he dropped to the ground, out like a light. 

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