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James stumbled into the side table of the entryway and hunched as he reached for the steps. "I do not!" He thought he was whispering, he was yelling quite loudly, "I do not get drunk like ever..." he crawled up the stairs as opposed to walking.

"James! Shut your drunk ass up!" Jeff called from his own bedroom. James would not be shutting up, he had too much energy, too much alcohol in his system to work off.

"Fight me, bitch," he slurred and leant against the wall for support before walking the extra three feet it would take to get to his bedroom.

The door cracked open and Jeff stood in only boxers with tired eyes and a head hung as he tried with all his might to keep it up. "If you don't shut the fuck up I swear to-" his eyes landed on his blond coworker who had his hands up behind James so that he wouldn't topple over. "Ah, okay, g'night."

"Fuckin' just- hiccup- be more obvious-hiccup- next time," James crashed face first on the bed with all of his clothes still covering his body. "It's so hot," he whined but did nothing about it.

"I've got you," Carlisle chuckled lightly, he appreciated being removed from a world with no imperfections for the night. Drunk James was the perfect distraction from decades of solitude. The jacket came off with ease, the shoes followed, then socks.

James wiggled his way onto the bed some more before groaning again, "Why is it so hot in here?"

Carlisle moved to take his shirt off so that the breeze from the cracked window would hit his skin and he would feel relief. James grabbed his hand quickly and ripped it to place it on his face.

"Oh my god this is amazing, you're amazing, who are you?" James knew who Carlisle was, but the Doctor was quite confused by the question. "I mean, wow. You just appear into life, just, poof, yknow?" Carlisle did not know. "Like, just, wow. Okay, man? Wow." James used his entire strength to flip over onto his back.

"No, don't do that," Carlisle warned, "you could aspirate," and turned him onto his side.

"Wow, you're smart," James chuckled, "fuckin' cute too." James was too drunk, he grinned wide, "do you ever look at yourself in the mirror? Like, you're a whole snack."

Carlisle wasn't accustomed to the entirety of the milenial's dictionary, so he wasn't sure how to take that comment. Wildly enough, he wasn't irritated by James's behaviour. He abhored receiving intoxicated clients in the emergency department, but being around James only made him want to laugh.

"Do me a huge favour," he requested.

"What is it?" Carlisle responded.

"Stay the night, be my ice pack."

"Whatever you need," he smiled, repositioned James, and lied beside him so that his skin would take away some of James's excess heat.

Lost Boy | Carlisle Cullen |Where stories live. Discover now