Dead Woman Walking - Aziraphale x OC

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To say that Aziraphale was captivated would be a huge understatement, he was in love. At least that is what he assumed it to be.

The woman was like the colourful frosting on his bland life as an angel. Well, he thought it was overly exciting, but it had its moments. And in those moments, he watched out for her and she was always there.

That was until death started showing up, always standing beside the angel as he watched her walk past, her earphones in and her heavy metal music too loud, yet he found some peace and tranquillity in this hardcore metal head he imagined her to be. Death is what worried him.

When he asked, death would always tell him that it was her turn soon, so he should say his goodbyes and make peace.

Yet, Aziraphale could never bring himself to even introduce himself to her, how was he to say goodbye?

All of this crashed down on him and reality hit the first morning after their Armageddon trial when she didn't show up.

That's when the poor, selfless angel realised that when he and Crowley had seen death in St. James' Park the day before, he was not there to warn them of their own deaths, but of that heavy metal girl who always smiled and walked past the bookshop just to breathe in the scent of old books, but never to enter.

"She was too young." Aziraphale sighed, glancing over at death as he stood where he had for the past week, "She was too kind."

"They were ready, they were waiting." Death replied monotonously, earning a slight glare from the angel before he took in the pronouns.

"They?" He responded in almost guilty curiosity, he could have known this if he talked to her, even for a second, at least he would have known. "She is a They?" He continued on with pain. He had been disrespecting her name for so long by using the wrong pronoun.

Death turned his head towards the angel with a solemn swoop. "No one knew, she took her life before she told a soul."

Aziraphale frowned, "all that happy was a disguise, not even I saw through it." He mumbled out? "Are they happy now?"

"As happy as hell could make them. She enjoys the company." Death replied, his tone indicating that he was about to leave.

"At least they're happy." Aziraphale muttered, "that's all I could ask."

Then, death was gone.

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