Chapter 26

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"Where the hell were you two!" Orion threw his hands in the air.

Charles opened his mouth to speak but I interupted.

"Charles went with me to help me work on my powers because he actually cares that I got better. Not like others who demand I get better but don't even try to help." I spat. Orion looked even more angry. I was starting to contemplate whether or not I should have said that. He took a deep breath, trying to calm himself. Lucky for me it worked.

"I did not ever demand you to fix whatever is going on here." He said in a calm tone while gesturing to me.

"You said I was dangerous because of them and how I couldn't control them did you not?"

"Well... yes I d-" he started but I cut him off.

"That's not very far off if you ask me."

"Guys." Charles spoke but we both ignored him.

"Yes. It is very far off. All I ever said was how you couldn't control you powers and because of that, you were a danger to my pack."

"And why don't you get rid of the danger by helping me try and fix it instead of complaining about it every five seconds?" I stood up and pointed at myself.

"Guys chill out."

"You don't want anything to do with me that's why!" Orion yelled.

"Oh so you were planning to help?" I laughed. "That's very rich coming from you. Maybe I don't want anything to do with you because you're the very reason my wolf is not talking at all. Hell! You are the reason your own wolf isn't tal-"

"GUYS!" Charles yelled and stop up, making Orion and I snap our heads in his direction with a glare.

"What!" We both yell.

"Stop acting like children. All you do is argue and you can't see how it affects everyone else!" He yelled. "Why can't you both just put everything behind yourselves and act like proper mates should?"

"Because." I started. "What he has done is unforgivable." I pointed at him, trying to prove my point.

"You haven't been much better, Rayna. You both have only been thinking about yourselves." He said. "Why don't you guys just start over?" He suggested.

"Do you just expect me to forgive him for everything, Charles?" I was livid. He just wanted me to forget everything and start over. He opened his mouth to speak only to be cut off by Orion standing up. He pointed at me.

"And do you expect me to just let every single time she's opened her stupid little smart ass mouth to talk back slide?" He seethed. "That's not how things work." I think this was the first time I've actually agreed with Orion. Shocking, I know. Though I obviously wasn't going to admit that aloud.

"I didn't mean it like that. I meant just start over and try to understand eachother."

"I honestly don't know why I'm still here having to put up with all of this. Maybe because I care more about your pack than you do." I said making Orions facial expression deepen more. He was beyond mad. He looked like when I had slapped him before he put me in the dungeon. I shivered at the thought of being put down there again.

"You," He went around the desk and put his face in front of mine digging his finger into my chest. "You have no right to tell me whether I care or not about my pack. Of course I care about them!" He yelled while backing away. "I just have strict ways of keeping them in line. I'm sure you know what one of them is." His voice turned sinister. It sent a cold shiver down my spine.

"This is why everyone fears you." I said. "Don't you hate that everyone is constantly doing your bidding beacuse their scared of the outcome if they don't do it?" I asked. I really felt bad for those innocent people having to live in fear. Heck, even I was deathly afraid of him. But again, I wasn't going to admit that.

"No. I do enjoy it actually. I love it when people do what I want when I want them to." He shrugged and gave me a sadistic grin.

"Why are you like this?" I pleaded with him. "Why can't you be more like my father who looks at his pack and family with care?" That sentence made me realize I haven't kept in touch with my family. They must be worried sick.

"Because I'm not like your father. I'm much stronger than he will ever be." He chuckled which made me more mad. How dare he think he is better than my father.

"Are you sure? because my father had to bear losing his mate and being left with children to look after." I spat out. My eyes widened and I covered my mouth. I didn't mean to say that, I had never openly talked about losing my mother. Him and Charles looked shocked.

"Wait." He paused. "Your mother is-"

"Dead." I finished for him. "She's dead. She has been since I was eleven. Now you have something else to pesture me about." I spat the last sentence out.
I went to the door and opened it. I walked out, slamming the door behind me.

I walked down the hall to my room and went inside. "Mama, I need your guidance." I whispered to myself. "I don't know what to do anymore." I went over to the bed and kicked my shoes off before opening the suitcase that was on it. I dug through it until I found the last picture we had taken as a family. It was taken two weeks before I had lost her.

We all looked so happy. My dad had his arm around my mother and his other hand on my shoulder. Riley was next to me sporting a huge smile on her face. My mother had a huge smile on her face also that resembled mine and Riley's so well. She had light brown hair that fell all the way to her lower back. I looked just like she had.

"I need you here mom." I whispered as a tear fell down my face and onto the glass of the frame.

That ended on a sad note.

Ugh. Orion makes me so mad. But I wrote him like that lol.

What do you guys think about my writing? Are there some things I should change about my writing?
Please let me know in the comments. It would be very helpful. Also, feel free to ask me questions. Just not too personal questions.

Anyways I'll see y'all in the next chapter.

Different (Currently Rewriting)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora